编年纪上:Chapter 7


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编年纪上 1 Chronicles
1依撒加尔的儿子:托拉、普瓦、雅叔布和史默龙四人。 1Now the sons of Issachar were Thola, and Phua, Jasub and Simeron, four.
2托拉的子孙:乌齐、勒法雅、耶黎耳、雅赫买、依贝散和舍慕耳,都是托拉家族的族长,英勇的战士;在达味时代,依他们的家系,人数有二万二千六百。 2The sons of Thola: Ozi and Raphaia, and Jeriel, and Jemai, and Jebsem, and Samuel, chiefs of the houses of their kindreds. Of the posterity of Thola were numbered in the days of David, two and twenty thousand six hundred most valiant men.
3乌齐的儿子依次辣希雅;依次辣希雅的儿子:米加耳、敖巴狄雅、约厄耳和依史雅······五人,都是族长。 3The sons of Ozi: Izrahia, of whom were born Michael, and Obadia, and Joel, and Jesia, five all great men.
4按家系和家族归属于他们的,尚有三万六千出征的战士;因为他们有很多妇女和儿童。 4And there were with them by their families and peoples, six and thirty thousand most valiant men ready for war: for they had many wives and children.
5连他们的兄弟,即全依撒加尔支派中的英勇的战士,登记的人数共计八万八千。 5Their brethren also throughout all the house of Issachar, were numbered fourscore and seven thousand most valiant men for war.
6本雅明的儿子:贝拉、贝革尔、耶狄厄耳三人。 6The sons of Benjamin were Bela, and Bechor, and Jadihel, three.
7贝拉的儿子:厄兹朋、乌齐、乌齐耳、耶黎摩特和依黎五人,都是家族的族长;英勇的战士,按家族统计,共计二万二千三十四人。 7The sons of Bela: Esbon, and Ozi, and Ozial, and Jerimoth and Urai, five chiefs of their families, and most valiant warriors, and their number was twenty-two thousand and thirty-four.
8贝革尔的儿子:则米辣、约阿士、厄里厄则尔、厄里约乃、敖默黎、耶勒摩特、阿彼雅、阿纳托特和阿拉默特:以上是贝革尔的儿子, 8And the sons of Bechor were Zamira, and Joas, and Eliezer, and Elioenai, and Amai, and Jerimoth, and Abia, and Anathoth, and Almath: all these were the sons of Bechor.
9是家族的族长;英勇的战士,按家族统计共计二万二百人。 9And they were numbered by the families, heads of their kindreds, most valiant men for war, twenty thousand and two hundred.
10耶狄厄耳的儿子彼耳汉;彼耳汉的儿子:耶乌士、本雅明、厄胡得、革纳阿纳、则堂、塔尔史士和希沙哈尔: 10And the son of Jadihel: Balan. And the sons of Balan: Jehus and Benjamin and Aod, and Chanana, and Zethan and Tharsis, and Ahisahar.
11以上是耶狄厄耳的子孙,家族的族长;英勇的战士能上阵作战的,有一万七千二百人。 11All these were sons of Jadihel, heads of their kindreds, most valiant men, seventeen thousand and two hundred fit to go out to war.
12依尔的儿子:叔平和胡平;阿赫尔的儿子胡生。 12Sepham also and Hapham the sons of Hir: and Hasim the sons of Aher.
13纳斐塔里的儿子:雅赫则耳、古尼、耶则尔、沙隆:是彼耳哈的子孙。 13And the sons of Nephtali were Jasiel, and Guni, and Jezer, and Sellum, sons of Bala.
14默纳协的儿子:玛基尔,是他的一个阿兰妾给他生的;玛基尔是基肋阿得的父亲。 14And the son of Manasses, Ezriel: and his concubine the Syrian bore Machir the father of Galaad.
15玛基尔娶了妻,妻名叫玛阿加,她的姊妹名叫责罗斐哈得,她只有女儿。 15And Machir took wives for his sons Happhim, and Saphan: and he had a sister named Maacha: the name of the second was Salphaad, and Salphaad had daughters.
16玛基尔的妻子玛阿加生了一个儿子,给他起名叫培勒士;他的兄弟名叫舍勒士。舍勒士的儿子:乌蓝和勒耿。 16And Maacha the wife of Machir bore a son, and she called his name Phares: and the name of his brother was Sares: and his sons were Ulam and Recen.
17乌蓝的儿子贝丹:以上是默纳协的孙子,玛基尔的儿子基肋阿得的子孙。 17And the son of Ulam, Baden. These are the sons of Galaad, the son of Machir the son of Manasses.
18他的姊妹摩肋革特生依市曷得、阿彼厄则尔和玛赫拉。 18And his sister named Queen bore Goodlyman, and Abiezer, and Mohola.
19舍米达的儿子:阿希杨、舍根、里刻希和阿尼罕。 19And the sons of Semida were Ahiu, and Sechem, and Leci and Aniam.
20厄弗辣因的儿子:叔特拉;叔特拉的儿子贝勒得,贝勒得的儿子塔哈特,塔哈特的儿子厄拉达,厄拉达的儿子塔哈特, 20And the sons of Ephraim were Suthala, Bared his son, Thahath his son, Elada his son, Thahath his son, and his son Zabad,
21塔哈特的儿子匝巴得。厄弗辣因的儿子叔特拉和厄则尔以及厄拉得,为加特的土人所杀,因为他们下去劫掠土人的牲畜。 21And his son Suthala, and his son Ezer, and Elad: and the men of Geth born in the land slew them, because they came down to invade their possessions.
22他们的父亲厄弗辣因哀悼他们多日,他的兄弟们也来慰吊。 22And Ephraim their father mourned many days, and his brethren came to comfort him.
23以后,他又走近了自己的妻子,她怀孕生了一个儿子,给他起名叫贝黎雅说:「我家遭过患难。」 23And he went in to his wife: and she conceived and bore a son, and he called his name Beria, because he was born when it went evil with his house:
24他的女儿舍厄辣建立了上下贝特曷龙和乌曾舍厄辣。 24And his daughter was Sara, who built Bethoron, the nether and the upper, and Ozensara.
25贝黎雅的儿子勒法黑,勒法黑的儿子勒舍夫,勒舍夫的儿子特拉黑,特拉黑的儿子塔罕, 25And Rapha was his son, and Reseph, and Thale, of whom was born Thaan,
26塔罕的儿子拉丹,拉丹的儿子阿米胡得,阿米胡得的儿子厄里沙玛, 26Who begot Laadan: and his son was Ammiud, who beget Elisama,
27厄里沙玛的儿子农,农的儿子若苏厄。 27Of whom was born Nun, who had Josue for his son.
28他们占据和居留的地方:贝特耳和所属村镇,往东有纳阿郎,往西有革则尔和所属村镇,舍根和所属村镇,直到阿雅和所属村镇。 28And their possessions and habitations were Bethel with her daughters, and eastward Noran, and westward Gazer and her daughters, Sichem also with her daughters, as far as Ass with her daughters.
29在默纳协子孙手中的,有贝特商和所属村镇,塔纳客和所属村镇,默基多和所属村镇,多尔和所属村镇:以色列的儿子若瑟的子孙住在以上各地。 29And by the borders of the sons of Manasses Bethsan and her daughters, Thanach and her daughters, Mageddo and her daughters: Dor and her daughters: in these dwelt the children of Joseph, the son of Israel.
30阿协尔的儿子:依默纳、依市瓦、依市伟和贝黎雅,和他们的姊妹色辣黑。 30The children of Aser were Jemna, and Jesua, and Jessui, and Baria, and Sara their sister.
31贝黎雅的儿子:赫贝尔和玛耳基耳,后者是彼尔匝依特的父亲。 31And the sons of Baria: Haber, and Melchiel: he is the father of Barsaith.
32赫贝尔生雅费肋特、芍默尔、曷堂和他们的姊妹叔亚。 32And Heber beget Jephlat, and Somer, and Hotham, and Suaa their sister.
33雅费肋特的儿子:帕撒客、彼默哈耳和阿市瓦特:以上是雅费肋特的儿子。 33The sons of Jephlat: Phosech, and Chamaal, and Asoth: these are the sons of Jephlat.
34他兄弟芍默尔的儿子:洛赫加、胡巴和阿兰。 34And the sons of Somer: Ahi, and Roaga, and Haba, and Aram.
35他兄弟曷堂的儿子:祚法黑、依默纳、舍肋士和阿玛耳。 35And the sons of Helem his brother: Supha, and Jemna, and Selles, and Amal.
36祚法黑的儿子:稣亚、哈尔乃费尔、叔阿耳、贝黎、依默辣、 36The sons of Supha: Sue, Hernapher, and Sual, and Beri, and Jamra.
37贝责尔、曷得、沙玛、史耳沙、耶特尔和贝厄辣。 37Bosor and Hod, and Samma, and Salusa, and Jethran, and Bera.
38耶特尔的儿子:耶孚乃、丕斯帕和阿辣。 38The sons of Jether: Jephone, and Phaspha, and Ara.
39乌拉的儿子:阿辣黑、哈巴耳和黎兹雅: 39And the sons of Olla: Aree, and Haniel, and Resia.
40以上全是阿协尔的子孙,家族出名的族长,英勇的战士,杰出的将领;能上阵打仗的登记人数,共计二万六千。 40All these were sons of Aser, heads of their families, choice and most valiant captains of captains: and the number of them that were of the age that was fit for war, was six and twenty thousand.
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