撒慕尔纪上:Chapter 23


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撒慕尔纪上 1 Samuel
1有人告诉达味说:「看,培肋舍特人在攻打刻依拉,抢掠禾场。」 1And they told David, saying: Behold the Philistines fight against Ceila, and they rob the barns.
2达味就求问上主说:「我是否该去攻打这些培肋舍特人?」上主回答达味说:「去攻打培肋舍特人,解救刻依拉!」 2Therefore David consulted the Lord, saying: Shall I go and smite these Philistines? And the Lord said to David: Go, and thou shalt smite the Philistines, and shalt save Ceila.
3随从达味的人对他说:「看,我们在犹大这里,已惴惴不安;如果到刻依拉去攻打培肋舍特军队,更将如何!」 3And the men that were with David, said to him: Behold we are in fear here in Judea, how much more if we go to Ceila against the hands of the Philistines?
4达味又求问了上主,上主回答他说:「动身下到刻依拉去,因为我已将培肋舍特人交在你手中了!」 4Therefore David consulted the Lord again. And he answered and said to him: Arise, and go to Ceila: for I will deliver the Philistines into thy hand.
5达味就和跟随他的人到刻依拉,攻打培肋舍特人,夺得了他们的牲口,打得他们惨败,营救了刻依拉的居民。 5David therefore, and his men, went to Ceila, and fought against the Philistines, and brought away their cattle, and made a great slaughter of them: and David saved the inhabitants of Ceila.
6那时阿希默肋客的儿子厄贝雅塔尔逃到了达味那里,也下到了刻依拉,手中带着「厄弗得」。 6Now at that time, when Abiathar the son of Achimelech fled to David to Ceila, he came down having an ephod with him.
7有人报告撒乌耳说:「达味到了刻依拉。」撒乌耳便说:「天主真将他交在我手中了,因为他将自己封锁在一座有门有闩的城里。」 7And it was told Saul that David was come to Ceila: and Saul said: The Lord hath delivered him into my hands, and he is shut up, being come into a city, that hath gates and bars.
8撒乌耳就调集了人民出征,下到刻依拉,要包围达味和他的部队。 8And Saul commanded all the people to go down to fight against Ceila, and to besiege David, and his men.
9达味一知道撒乌耳想陷害他,就给司祭厄贝雅塔尔说:「拿『厄弗得』来!」 9Now when David understood, that Saul secretly prepared evil against him, he said to Abiathar the priest: Bring hither the ephod.
10然后达味说:「上主,以色列的天主,你仆人听说撒乌耳正在筹划到刻依拉来,为了我的缘故,要毁灭这座城。 10And David said: O Lord God of Israel, thy servant hath heard a report, that Saul designeth to come to Ceila, to destroy the city for my sake:
11刻依拉的居民会将我交在他手中吗?撒乌耳是否会像你仆人所听到的下来?请上主,以色列的天主,通知你的仆人!」上主回答说:「他要下来。」 11Will the men of Ceila deliver me into his hands? and will Saul come down, as thy servant hath heard? O Lord God of Israel, tell thy servant. And the Lord said: He will come down.
12达味又问说:「刻依拉的居民会把我和随从我的人,交在撒乌耳手中吗?」上主回答说:「他们会把你们交出。」 12And David said: Will the men of Ceila deliver me, and my men, into the hands of Saul? And the Lord said: They will deliver thee up.
13达味就动身率领士兵,约有六百人,离开了刻依拉,到处漂流。有人告诉撒乌耳说:「达味从刻依拉逃走了。」撒乌耳遂停止出动。 13Then David and his men, who were about six hundred, arose, and departing from Ceila, wandered up and down uncertain where they should stay: and it was told Saul that David was fled from Ceila, and had escaped: wherefore he forbore to go out.
14达味住在旷野的深山里,有时住在齐弗旷野的山中。撒乌耳每日找他,天主没有将达味交在他手中。 14But David abode in the desert in strong holds, and he remained in a mountain of the desert of Ziph, in a woody hill. And Saul sought him always: but the Lord delivered him not into his hands.
15达味很是害怕,因为撒乌耳出来,不断搜索他;当时达味住在齐弗旷野的曷勒士。 15And David saw that Saul was come out to seek his life. And David was in the desert of Ziph, in a wood.
16撒乌耳的儿子约纳堂动身,到了曷勒士,去见达味,他以天主的名鼓励达味, 16And Jonathan the son of Saul arose, and went to David into the wood, and strengthened his hands in God: and he said to him:
17说:「不必害怕!我父撒乌耳的手决拿不住你!你必要作以色列王,我要在你以下居第二位,连我父亲撒乌耳也知道这事。」 17Fear not: for the hand of my father Saul shall not find thee, and thou shalt reign over Israel, and I shall be next to thee, yea, and my father knoweth this.
18他们二人在上主面前订立盟约。以后,达味仍留在曷勒士,约纳堂回了家。 18And the two made a covenant before the Lord: and David abode in the wood: but Jonathan returned to his house.
19有些齐弗人上了基贝亚见撒乌耳,说:「达味不是在我们当中,在曷勒士山上隐藏着吗? 19And the Ziphites went up to Saul in Gabaa, saying: Lo, doth not David lie hid with us in the strong holds of the wood, in mount Hachila, which is on the right hand of the desert.
20大王现今你随意下到我们那里,我们必把他交在大王手中。」 20Now therefore come down, as thy soul hath desired to come down: and it shall be our business to deliver him into the king's hands.
21撒乌耳答说:「望上主祝福你们,因为你们同情了我。 21And Saul said: Blessed be ye of the Lord, for you have pitied my case.
22你们再去查看清楚,看他的脚步急速往那里去,因为有人给我说:他非常狡猾。 22Go therefore, I pray you, and use all diligence, and curiously inquire, and consider the place where his foot is, and who hath seen him there: for he thinketh of me, that I lie craftily in wait for him.
23所以你们去观察清楚,他藏身的一切秘密地方,确定后,回来见我,我必同你们一起去,只要他在这地方,我必在犹大各乡村中搜捕他。」 23Consider and see all his lurking holes, wherein he is bid, and return to me with the certainty of the thing, that I may go with you. And if be should even go down into the earth to hide himself, I will search him out in all the thousands of Juda.
24他们就在撒乌耳以先动身往齐弗去了;达味和他的人那时住在玛红旷野,即在旷野南方的荒原中。 24And they arose and went to Ziph before Saul: and David and his men were in the desert of Maon, in the plain at the right hand of Jesimon.
25撒乌耳率领士兵去寻找达味。有人将这事告诉了达味,他就下到那矗立玛红旷野的山崖间;撒乌耳一听说,便到玛红旷野去追赶达味。 25Then Saul and his men went to seek him: and it was told David, and forthwith he went down to the rock, and abode in the wilderness of Maon: and when Saul had heard of it he pursued after David in the wilderness of Maon.
26撒乌耳带领士兵走在山这面,达味带领他的士兵走在山那面;达味正在急速逃避撒乌耳时,撒乌耳率领着他的士兵追踪达味和他的士兵,几乎要把他们捉住, 26And Saul went on this side of the mountain: and David and his men were on the other side of the mountain: and David despaired of being able to escape from the face of Saul: and Saul and his men encompassed David and his men round about to take them.
27就在这时,有一个使者来见撒乌耳说:「快回去,因为培肋舍特人已侵入边境!」 27And a messenger came to Saul, saying: Make haste to come, for the Philistines have poured in themselves upon the land.
28撒乌耳遂立即收兵,不再追赶达味,而去迎击培肋舍特人;因此,人给那地方起名叫「隔离岩」。 28Wherefore Saul returned, leaving the pursuit of David, and went to meet the Philistines. For this cause they called that place, the Rock of division.
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