编年纪下:Chapter 18


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编年纪下 2 Chronicles
1约沙法特的财产丰富,尊荣很大,且与阿哈布联婚。 1Now Josaphat was rich and very glorious, and was joined by affinity to Achab.
2几年以后,他到撒玛黎雅去见阿哈布。阿哈布为他和跟从他的随员,宰杀了许多牛羊,怂恿他去攻打辣摩特基肋阿得。 2And he went down to him after some years to Samaria: and Achab at his coming killed sheep and oxen in abundance for him and the people that came with him: and he persuaded him to go up to Ramoth Galaad.
3以色列王阿哈布对犹大王约沙法特说:「你愿意同我一起去攻打辣摩特基肋阿得吗?」约沙法特回答说:「你我原不分彼此,我的人民就是你的人民;我必与你同去作战。」 3And Achab king of Israel said to Josaphat king of Juda: Come with me to Ramoth Galaad. And he answered him: Thou art as I am, and my people as thy people, and we will be with thee in the war.
4约沙法特对以色列王说:「请你先求问上主的答话!」 4And Josaphat said to the king of Israel: Inquire, I beseech thee, at present the word of the Lord.
5以色列王于是召集了先知,共四百人,问他们说:「我们应该上去进攻辣摩特基肋阿得?还是不去呢?」他们回答说:「上去,天主必将那地交于大王手中。」 5So the king of Israel gathered together of the prophets four hundred men, and he said to them: Shall we go to Ramoth Galaad to fight, or shall we forbear? But they said: Go up, and God will deliver it into the king's hand.
6但是约沙法特说:「这里就没有一位上主的先知,我们可以托他求问吗?」 6And Josaphat said: Is there not here a prophet of the Lord, that we may inquire also of him?
7以色列王回答约沙法特说:「还有一个人,可以托他求问上主,不过我憎恨他,因为他对我说预言,总不说吉祥话,常说凶言;这人就是依默拉的儿子米加雅。」约沙法特对他说:「请大王别这样说!」 7And the king of Israel said to Josaphat: There is one man, of whom we may ask the will of the Lord: but I hate him, for he never prophesieth good to me, but always evil: and it is Micheas the son of Jemla. And Josaphat said: Speak not thus, O king.
8于是以色列王召来一个宦官,吩咐他说:「快去将依默拉的儿子米加雅召来!」 8And the king of Israel called one of the eunuchs, and said to him: Call quickly Micheas the son of Jemla.
9当时以色列王和犹大王约沙法特在撒玛黎雅城门前的广场上,各穿朝服,坐在宝座上;所有的先知在他们面前说预言。 9Now the king of Israel, and Josaphat king of Juda, both sat on their thrones, clothed in royal robes, and they sat in the open court by the gate of Samaria, and all the prophets prophesied before them.
10革纳阿纳的儿子漆德克雅带了一些铁角说:「上主这样说:你要用这些铁角刺杀阿兰人,直到将他们消灭。」 10And Sedecias the son of Chanaana made him horns of iron, and said: Thus saith the Lord: With these shalt thou push Syria, till thou destroy it.
11所有的先知也这样预言说:「你上辣摩特基肋阿得去必会胜利,上主必将那地交于大王手中!」 11And all the prophets prophesied in like manner, and said: Go up to Ramoth Galaad, and thou shalt prosper, and the Lord will deliver them into the king's hand.
12那去召米加雅的使者对米加雅说:「看,先知们都异口同声对君王说吉祥的话,希望你说的话也与他们每人说的话一样,也是吉祥的话!」 12And the messenger that went to call Micheas, said to him: Behold the words of all the prophets with one mouth declare good to the king: I beseech thee therefore let not thy word disagree with them, and speak thou also good success.
13米加雅回答说:「我指着永生的上主起誓:我的天主吩咐什么,我就说什么!」 13And Micheas answered him: As the Lord liveth, whatsoever my God shall say to me, that will I speak.
14米加雅来到王那里,王就问他说:「米加雅,我们应该上去进攻辣摩特基肋阿得,还是不去呢?」他回答说:「上去,必然胜利,他们必落在你们手中。」 14So he came to the king: and the king said to him: Micheas, shall we go to Ramoth Galaad to fight, or forbear? And he answered him: Go up, for all shall succeed prosperously, and the enemies shall be delivered into your hands.
15君王对他说:「我应当多少次叫你宣誓,你才奉上主的名,对我说实话呢?」 15And the king said: I adjure thee again and again to say nothing but the truth to me, in the name of the Lord.
16米加雅答说:「我看见全以色列散在山上,好像没有牧人的羊群。上主说:这些人既然没有主人,更好各自平安回家去罢!」 16Then he said: I saw all Israel scattered in the mountains, like sheep without a shepherd: and the Lord said: These have no masters: let every man return to his own house in peace.
17以色列王对约沙法特说:「我不是告诉过你,他对我说顶言,总不说吉祥话,只说凶言么?」 17And the king of Israel said to Josaphat: Did I not tell thee that this man would not prophesy me any good, but evil?
18米加雅答说:「请你们静听上主的话:我见上主坐在宝座上,天上的万军侍立在他左右。 18Then he said: Hear ye therefore the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on his throne, and all the army of heaven standing by him on the right hand and on the left.
19上主问说:谁去唆使以色列王阿哈布上去,叫他阵亡在辣摩特基肋阿得呢?那时有的说这样,有的说那样。 19And the Lord said: Who shall deceive Achab king of Israel, that he may go up and fall in Ramoth Galaad? And when one spoke in this manner, and another otherwise:
20以后有一个神出来,立在上主面前说:我能唆使他。上主问他说:用什么方法? 20There came forth a spirit, and stood before the Lord, and said: I will deceive him. And the Lord said to him: By what means wilt thou deceive him?
21那神答说:我去,在他所有先知们口中做虚言的神。上主回答说:你能唆使,也必会成功,就去照样办罢! 21And he answered: I will go out, and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And the Lord said: Thou shalt deceive, and shalt prevail: go out, and do so.
22现在上主将虚言的神放入你这些先知口中,上主已注定你必遭殃。」 22Now therefore behold the Lord hath put a spirit of lying in the mouth of all thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil against thee.
23那时,革纳阿纳的儿子漆德克雅前来,打米加雅的脸说:「上主的神由那条路离开了我,而同你说话呢?」 23And Sedecias the son of Chanaana came, and struck Micheas on the cheek and said: Which way went the spirit of the Lord from me, to speak to thee?
24米加雅答说:「在你进入最严密的室内隐藏的那一天,你就会知道了!」 24And Micheas said: Thou thyself shalt see in that day, when thou shalt go in from chamber to chamber, to hide thyself.
25以色列王吩咐说:「将米加雅带去,交给阿孟市长和约阿布王子, 25And the king of Israel commanded, saying: Take Micheas, and carry him to Amen the governor of the city, and to Joas the son of Amelech,
26说君王这样吩咐:将这人下在监里,少给他吃的喝的,等我平安回来。」 26And say: Thus saith the king: Put this fellow in prison, and give him bread and water in a small quantity till I return in peace.
27米加雅说:「你如果能平安回来,那么,上主就没藉我说过话。」又说:「众百姓!你们要听清楚啊!」 27And Micheas said: If thou return in peace, the Lord hath not spoken by me. And he said: Hear, all ye people.
28以色列王遂与犹大王约沙法特上去进攻辣摩特基肋阿得。 28So the king of Israel and Josaphat king of Juda went up to Ramoth Galaad.
29以色列王对约沙法特说:「我要改装上阵,你可仍穿朝服。」于是以色列王改装上了阵。 29And the king of Israel said to Josaphat: I will change my dress, and so I will go to the battle, but put thou on thy own garments. And the king of Israel having changed his dress, went to the battle.
30阿兰王曾吩咐自己的战车队长说:「你们不必与大小将士交战,只攻打以色列王。」 30Now the king of Syria had commanded the captains of his cavalry, saying: Fight ye not with small, or great, but with the king of Israel only.
31战车队长一看见约沙法特,便说:「这必是以色列王!」遂将他包围,向他进攻;约沙法特连声叫苦,上主援助了他,天主使敌人远离了他。 31So when the captains of the cavalry saw Josaphat, they said: This is the king of Israel. And they surrounded him to attack him: but he cried to the Lord, and he helped him, and turned them away from him.
32战车队长见他不是以色列王,就不再追击他。 32For when the captains of the cavalry saw, that he was not the king of Israel, they left him.
33有人偶然一箭,正射入以色列王的铠甲与腰带中,君王对驾车的人说:「转回,载我离开阵地,我已受伤。」 33And it happened that one of the people shot an arrow at a venture, and struck the king of Israel between the neck and the shoulders, and he said to his chariot man: Turn thy hand, and carry me out of the battle, for I am wounded.
34但那天战事越来越激烈,以色列王仍立在车上,抵抗阿兰人,直到晚上;日落的时候,王就死了。 34And the fight was ended that day: but the king of Israel stood in his chariot against the Syrians until the evening, and died at the sunset.
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