列王纪下:Chapter 9


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列王纪下 2 Kings
1那时,先知厄里叟叫一个先知弟子来,对他说:「你束上腰,手里拿着这瓶油,往辣摩特基肋阿得去, 1And Eliseus the prophet called one of the sons of the prophets, slid said to him: Gird up thy loins, and take this little bottle of oil in thy hand, and go to Ramoth Galaad.
2一到了那里,就去求见尼默史的孙子,约沙法特的儿子耶胡;得见后,叫他离开同僚,领他进入一间内室。 2And when thou art come thither, thou shalt see Jehu the son of Josaphat the son of Namsi: and going in thou shalt make him rise up from amongst his brethren, and carry him into an inner chamber.
3将这瓶油倒在他的头上说:上主这样说:我傅你为以色列王。然后,开门逃走,不要逗留。」 3Then taking the little bottle of oil, thou shalt pour it on his head, and shalt say: Thus saith the Lord: I have anointed thee king over Israel. And thou shalt open the door and flee, and shalt not stay there.
4那青年人,即那青年先知就往辣摩特基肋阿得去了。 4So the young man, the servant of the prophet, went awry to Ramoth Galaad,
5他到了那里,看见众将军都在坐,青年人遂说:「将军,我有话对你说。」耶胡问说:「我们中,你要对那一个说话?」他答说:「将军,就是你。」 5And went in thither: and behold the captains of the army were sitting: and he said: I have a word to thee, O prince. And Jehu said: Unto whom of us all? And he said: To thee, O prince.
6耶胡站起来,进了内室,那青年人就将油倒在他头上,对他说:「上主以色列的天主这样说:我傅你为上主的人民以色列的君王。 6And he arose, and went into the chamber: and he poured the oil upon his head, and said: Thus saith the Lord God of Israel: I have anointed thee king over Israel, the people of the Lord.
7你要消灭你主上阿哈布的家,使我在依则贝耳身上,为我的仆人先知和上主的一切仆人报血仇。 7And thou shalt cut off the house of Achab thy master, and I will revenge the blood of my servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the Lord at the hand of Jezabel.
8阿哈布的全家必要丧亡;我要消灭以色列凡属于阿哈布的一切男人,无论是自由的,或不自由的。 8And I will destroy all the house of Achab, and I will cut off from Achab him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up, and the meanest in Israel.
9我要使阿哈布家像乃巴特的儿子雅洛贝罕家,又像阿希雅的儿子巴厄沙家一样; 9And I will make the house of Achab like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, and like the house of Baasa the son of Ahias.
10至于依则贝耳,狗要在依次勒耳的田间吞食她,没有人来埋葬。」那青年人说完,就开门逃走了。 10And the dogs shall eat Jezabel in the field of Jezrahel, and there shall be no one to bury her. And he opened the door and fled.
11耶胡出来回到他主上的臣仆那里,他们问他说:「一切都好吗?那疯子来见你有什么事?」耶胡答说:「你们应认识这个人,也知道他说些什么。」 11Then Jehu went forth to the servants of his lord: and they said to him: Are all things well? why came this mad man to thee? And he said to them: You know the man, and what he said.
12他们说:「定是些胡话!请给我们说说!」耶胡遂说:「他如此如此告诉我说:上主这样说:我傅你为以色列王。」 12But they answered: It is false, but rather do thou tell us. And he said to them: Thus and thus did he speak to me: and he said: Thus saith the Lord: I have anointed thee king over Israel.
13他们一听,急忙各将自己的衣服舖在光台阶他的脚下,吹角喊说:「耶胡作王了!」 13Then they made haste and taking every man his garment laid it under his feet, after the manner of a judgment seat, and they sounded the trumpet, and said: Jehu is king.
14尼默史的孙子,约沙法特的儿子耶胡于是背叛了耶曷兰。──那时耶曷兰曾率领全以色列人在辣摩特基肋阿得,对抗阿兰君王哈匝耳。 14So Jehu the son of Josaphat the son of Namsi conspired against Joram. Now Joram had besieged Ramoth Galaad, he and all Israel fighting with Hazael king of Syria:
15但耶曷兰已回了依次勒耳,治疗他与阿兰王哈匝耳交战时,被阿兰人所射的创伤。──耶胡说:「如果这件事合你们的心意,那么就不要让任何人逃出城去,到依次勒耳报信。」 15And was returned to be healed in Jezrahel of his wounds, for the Syrians had wounded him, when he fought with Hazael king of Syria. And Jehu said: If it please you, let no man go forth or flee out of the city, lest he go, and tell in Jezrahel.
16耶胡于是亲自驾车去了依次勒耳,因为耶曷兰正在那里卧病未起;犹大王阿哈齐雅也下到那里去探望他。 16And he got up, and went into Jezrahel: for Joram was sick there, and Ochozias king of Juda was come down to visit Joram.
17站在依次勒耳堡垒上的守兵,见有耶胡的兵队来到,就喊叫说:「我看见了一大队人马!」耶曷兰下令说:「叫一个骑兵来,派他去探问他们说:都平安吗?」 17The watchmen therefore, that stood upon the tower of Jezrahel, saw the troop of Jehu coming, and said: I see a troop. And Joram said: Take a chariot, and send to meet them, and let him that goeth say: Is all well?
18骑兵就去迎接耶胡说:「王问:都平安吗?」耶胡答说:「平安不平安与你何干?转到我后面去!」守兵随后报告说:「使者到了他们那里,却没有回来。」 18So there went one in a chariot to meet him, and said: Thus saith the king: Are all things peaceable? And Jehu said: What hast thou to do with peace? go behind and follow me. And the watchman told, saying: The messenger came to them, but he returneth not.
19耶曷兰又打发第二个骑兵去,这骑兵到了他们那里说:「王问:都平安吗?」耶胡答说:「平安不平安与你何干?转到我后面去!」 19And he sent a second chariot of horses: and he came to them, and said: Thus saith the king: Is there peace? And Jehu said: What hast thou to do with peace? pass, and follow me.
20守兵随后又报告说:「他到了他们那里,也没有回来;那驾车法很像尼默史的孙子耶胡的驾驶法,驾得很狂猛。」 20And the watchman told, saying: He came even to them, but returneth not: and the driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Namsi, for he drives furiously.
21耶曷兰遂即吩咐说:「套车!」人就套好他的车。以色列王耶曷兰和犹大王阿哈齐雅出来,各自上车,去迎接耶胡,在依次勒耳人纳波特的庄田那里,迎上了他。 21And Joram said: Make ready the chariot. And they made ready his chariot, and Joram king of Israel, and Ochozias king of Juda went out, each in his chariot, and they went out to meet Jehu, and met him in the field of Naboth the Jezrahelite.
22耶曷兰一见耶胡就问说:「耶胡!都平安吗?」耶胡回答说:「你母亲依则贝耳的淫行和妖术那样多,还有什么平安?」 22And when Joram saw Jehu, he said: Is there peace, Jehu? And he answered: What peace? so long as the fornications of Jezabel thy mother, and her many sorceries are in their vigour.
23耶曷兰即刻转车逃走,对阿哈齐雅说:「阿哈齐雅,他反了。」 23And Joram turned his hand, and fleeing, said to Ochozias: There is treachery, Ochozias.
24耶胡用手拉弓,射中了耶曷兰两臂之间,箭从心窝穿出,耶曷兰就倒在车上。 24But Jehu bent Iris bow with his hand, and shot Joram between the shoulders: and the arrow went out through his heart, and immediately he fell in his chariot.
25耶胡吩咐自己的侍卫彼德卡说:「将他抬起,丢在依次勒耳人纳波特的庄田里!你该记得:当我你二人一起驾车跟随他父亲阿哈布时,上主即向他宣布了这个神谕: 25And Jehu said to Badacer his captain: Take him, and cast him into the field of Naboth the Jezrahelite: for I remember when I and thou sitting in a chariot followed Achab this man's father, that the Lord laid this burden upon him, saying:
26「昨天我确实看见了纳波特和他儿子们的血,上主的断语;我必要在这块田地里报复你,上主的断语。所以现在,你要照上主的话,将他抬起,丢在这块田地里。」 26If I do not requite thee in this field, saith the Lord, for the blood of Naboth, and for the blood of his children, which I saw yesterday, saith the Lord. So now take him, and cast him into the field, according to the word of the Lord.
27犹大王阿哈齐雅见了这事,就向贝特干逃去,耶胡追赶他,吩咐说:「也将他射杀在车上!」果然,在离依贝肋罕不远的古尔山坡上,把他射伤;他逃到默基多,就死在那里。 27But Ochozias king of Juda seeing this, fled by the way of the garden house: and Jehu pursued him, and said: Strike him also in his chariot. And they struck him in the going up to Gaver, which is by Jeblaam: and he fled into Mageddo, and died there.
28他的臣仆用车把他送到耶路撒冷,与祖先葬在达味城,他自己的坟墓里。 28And his servants laid him upon his chariot, and carried him to Jerusalem: and they buried him in his sepulchre with his fathers in the city of David.
29阿哈齐雅登极为犹大王,是在阿哈布的儿子耶曷兰在位第十一年。 29In the eleventh year of Joram the son of Achab, Ochozias reigned over Juda,
30当耶胡来到依次勒耳时,依则贝耳就听说了,遂画眉梳头,从窗户往外眺望, 30And Jehu came into Jezrahel. But Jezabel hearing of his coming in, painted her face with stibic stone, and adorned her head, and looked out of a window
31见耶胡进城门的时候,她便问说:「弑杀主上的齐默黎,你平安吗?」 31At Jehu coming in at the gate, and said: Can there be peace for Zambri, that hath killed his master?
32耶胡举目看那窗户说:「谁拥护我?谁?」有两三个太监从窗户里往下看他。 32And Jehu lifted up his face to the window, and said: Who is this? And two or three eunuchs bowed down to him.
33耶胡说:「把她推下来!」他们便把她推下来,她的血溅在墙上和马身上;马在她身上踏过。 33And he said to them: Throw her down headlong: and they threw her down, and the wall was sprinkled with her blood, and the hoofs of the horses trod upon her.
34耶胡进去,吃喝完了,吩咐说:「你们去料理那可诅咒的女人,将她埋葬,因为她究竟是君王的女儿。」 34And when he was come in, to eat, and to drink, he said: Go, and see after that cursed woman, and bury her: because she is a king's daughter.
35但是,当他们去埋葬她时,只找到了她的头盖、脚和手掌, 35And when they went to bury her, they found nothing but the skull, and the feet, and the extremities of her hands.
36遂回来告诉耶胡。耶胡说:「这正应验了上主藉自己的仆人提市贝人厄里亚所说的话:在依次勒耳的庄田里,狗要吞食依则贝耳的肉; 36And coming back they told him. And Jehu said: It is the word of the Lord, which he spoke by his servant Elias the Thesbite, saying: In the field of Jezrahel the dogs shall eat the flesh of Jezabel,
37依则贝耳的尸首要成为依次勒耳田地里的粪土,以致人不能说:这是依则贝耳。」 37And the flesh of Jezabel shall be as dung upon the face of the earth in the field of Jezrahel, so that they who pass by shall say: Is this that same Jezabel?
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