玛加伯下:Chapter 15


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玛加伯下 2 Maccabees
1尼加诺尔听说犹大和他的部下都在撒玛黎雅附近,便决意要在安息日那天攻击他们,可确保胜利; 1But when Nicanor understood that Judas was in the places of Samaria, he purposed to set upon him with all violence on the sabbath day.
2但那些被迫跟随他的犹太人却反对说:「你切不要这样残忍凶悍地去屠杀人,应当尊敬观察万物者所圣化的日子!」 2And when the Jews that were constrained to follow him, said: Do not act so fiercely and barbarously, but give honour to the day that is sanctified: and reverence him that beholdeth all things:
3那罪大恶极的人问道:「天上是否有位命令守安息日的主宰?」 3That unhappy man asked, if there were a mighty One in heaven, that had commanded the sabbath day to be kept.
4他们率直地答说:「有一位永生的天主,是天上的主宰,他命令守安息日。」 4And when they answered: There is the living Lord himself in heaven, the mighty One, that commanded the seventh day to be kept,
5他答说:「在地上我是主宰。我今命你们拿出武器,执行君王的命令!」虽然如此,他却没有完成那残酷的计谋。 5Then he said: And I am mighty upon the earth, and I command to take arms, and to do the king's business. Nevertheless he prevailed not to accomplish his design.
6可是,尼加诺尔骄傲自大,仍决意要建立一座象征击败犹大和其部下的凯旋坊; 6So Nicanor being puffed up with exceeding great pride, thought to set up a public monument of his victory over Judas.
7玛加伯却时常怀着坚定的信念,全心信赖必得到上主的援助, 7But Machabeus ever trusted with all hope that God would help them.
8劝勉自己的同志,不必害怕外邦人的攻击,只该怀念昔日从天上赐予他们的援助,深信此时全能者也必赐给他们胜利。 8And he exhorted his people not to fear the coming of the nations, but to remember the help they had before received from heaven, and now to hope for victory from the Almighty.
9后又用法律和先知的话来鼓励他们,又叫他们回忆所经历的战争,使他们都热情勃发。 9And speaking to them out of the law, and the prophets, and withal putting them in mind of the battles they had fought before, he made them more cheerful:
10激起他们作战的精神以后,又宣示外邦人如何失信,违犯誓言,遂发出攻击的命令。 10Then after he had encouraged them, he shewed withal the falsehood of the Gentiles, and their breach of oaths.
11他武装每个兵士,并不靠盾牌和长枪,而是用极富鼓励的话向他们讲述了一个很可信的梦,──即一个异像──使他们非常高兴。 11So he armed every one of them, not with defence of shield and spear, but with very good speeches and exhortations, and told them a dream worthy to be believed, whereby he rejoiced them all.
12他所见的异像是这样:他看见一个人,举起双手为整个犹太民族祈祷。这人就是为人善良敦厚,待人谦和,态度温雅,善于辞令,自幼勤修各样德行的前任大司祭敖尼雅。 12Now the vision was in this manner: Onias who had been high priest, a good and virtuous man, modest in his looks, gentle in his manners, and graceful in his speech, and who from a child was exercised in virtues, holding up his hands, prayed for all the people of the Jews:
13接着,又看见一人显现,同样为犹太民族祈祷。他头发苍白,体面端雅,尊严非凡,令人起敬。 13After this there appeared also another man, admirable for age, and glory, and environed with great beauty and majesty:
14敖尼雅便解释说:「这是爱护弟兄的人,他就是常为百姓及圣城祈祷的,天主的先知耶肋米亚。」 14Then Onias answering, said: This is a lover of his brethren, and of the people of Israel: this is he that prayeth much for the people, and for all the holy city, Jeremias the prophet of God.
15随后,耶肋米亚伸出右手,交给犹大一把金剑说: 15Whereupon Jeremias stretched forth his right hand, and gave to Judas a sword of gold, saying:
16「你收下这把圣剑!这是天主的恩赐,你要用来击杀敌人。」 16Take this holy sword a gift from God, wherewith thou shalt overthrow the adversaries of my people Israel.
17听到了犹大这番美妙言辞的鼓励,人心大为振作,青年的斗志因而坚强起来,因此大家决定不再留守营中,要奋勇进攻拚命与敌人决战,因为京城、宗教与圣殿,都陷在危险中。 17Thus being exhorted with the words of Judas, which were very good, and proper to stir up the courage, and strengthen the hearts of the young men, they resolved to fight, and to set upon them manfully: that valour might decide the matter, because the holy city and the temple were in danger.
18他们对妻子、儿女、兄弟及亲友并不怎么挂虑,最挂虑的却是神圣的圣殿。 18For their concern was less for their wives, and children, and for their brethren, and kinsfolks: but their greatest and principal fear was for the holiness of the temple.
19留在城中的人也非常焦虑,为那些在外作战的人放心不下。 19And they also that were in the city, had no little concern for them that were to be engaged in battle.
20众人都期待着快要来临的决战。那时,敌人都已聚集严阵以待,象队已摆在重要的据点,马队已分成左右两翼。 20And now when all expected what judgment would be given, and the enemies were at hand, and the army was set in array, the beasts and the horsemen ranged in convenient places,
21玛加伯见配备各样武器的大军,及凶猛的象队已摆好阵势,便举手向天,呼求施行奇蹟的上主;他知道胜利并不在乎武器,而在于上主断定谁应胜利,就使谁胜利。 21Machabeus considering the coming of the multitude, and the divers preparations of armour, and the fierceness of the beasts, stretching out his hands to heaven, called upon the Lord, that worketh wonders, who giveth victory to them that are worthy, not according to the power of their arms, but according as it seemeth good to him.
22犹大又祈祷说:「无上的主宰!在犹大王希则克雅时,你曾派遣你的天使,斩杀了散乃黑黎布的军队约十八万五千人。 22And in his prayer he said after this manner: Thou, O Lord, who didst send thy angel in the time of Ezechias king of Juda, and didst kill a hundred and eighty-five thousand of the army of Sennacherib:
23上天的主宰,求你现在也派遣一位好天使来,在我们前散佈恐怖惊惶。 23Send now also, O Lord of heaven, thy good angel before us, for the fear and dread of the greatness of thy arm,
24求你用你大能的手,打击这些谩骂和攻击你圣民的人!」他就这样结束了祈祷。 24That they may be afraid, who come with blasphemy against thy holy people. And thus he concluded his prayer.
25那时,尼加诺尔率领军队,吹着号角,唱着军歌,蜂拥而来。 25But Nicanor, and they that were with him came forward, with trumpets and songs.
26犹大的部下却在哀求与祈祷声中,前去迎敌, 26But Judas, and they that were with him, encountered them, calling upon God by prayers:
27徒手作战,心中不住呼求天主,因此击杀了不下三万五千人,万分高兴天主明显的助佑。 27So fighting with their hands, but praying to the Lord with their hearts, they slew no less than five and thirty thousand, being greatly cheered with the presence of God.
28战后,他们兴高彩烈回来时,发觉尼加诺尔穿着全副武装,卧地阵亡, 28And when the battle was over, and they were returning with joy, they understood that Nicanor was slain in his armour.
29一时高声欢呼,用本国语言称颂无上的主宰。 29Then making a shout, and a great noise, they blessed the Almighty Lord in their own language.
30那位完全奉献身心为同胞奋斗,一生热爱民族的犹大,便命人将尼加诺尔的头和手臂砍下,带到耶路撒冷去。 30And Judas, who was altogether ready, in body and mind, to die for his countrymen, commanded that Nicanor's head, and his hand with the shoulder should be cut off, and carried to Jerusalem.
31他一到那里,便召集同胞和司祭,又派人将堡垒里的人召来;然后站在祭坛前, 31And when he was come thither, having called together his countrymen, and the priests to the altar, he sent also for them that were in the castle,
32将这可恶的尼加诺尔的头,并将他为亵渎谩骂全能者圣殿而举过的手,出示给众人看。 32And shewing them the head of Nicanor, and the wicked hand, which he had stretched out, with proud boasts, against the holy house of the Almighty God,
33然后,又割下这邪恶尼加诺尔的舌头,下令切成碎块,以饲飞鸟,并将这狂妄的手臂,挂在圣殿前面。 33He commanded also, that the tongue of the wicked Nicanor, should be cut out and given by pieces to birds, and the hand of the furious man to be hanged up over against the temple.
34那时众人都向天赞颂荣耀的上主说:「那位保卫圣所不受玷污的,应受赞美!」 34Then all blessed the Lord of heaven, saying: Blessed be he that hath kept his own place undefiled.
35犹大又将尼加诺尔的头,悬在堡垒上,作为上主援助极显明昭着的记号。 35And he hung up Nicanor's head in the top of the castle, that it might be an evident and manifest sign of the help of God.
36众人一致决议,不可让这一天平淡地过去,而该在每年十二月,叙利亚语名「阿达尔」月,十三日,即摩尔德开节前日,隆重庆祝。 36And they all ordained by a common decree, by no means to let this day pass without solemnity:
37这就是有关尼加诺尔的事。从此以后,京城便由希伯来人占领。我也就此结束此记述。 37But to celebrate the thirteenth day of the month of Adar, called, in the Syrian language, the day before Mardochias' day.
38此书若叙述得体,编辑完善,这才是我的愿望;若嫌写得肤浅平凡,但我已尽了我之所能。 38So these things being done with relation to Nicanor, and from that time the city being possessed by the Hebrews, I also will here make an end of my narration.
39比方人只喝酒,或只喝水,都不免有害;但酒水调和了再喝,才有滋味,畅快人心;同样,若史事编纂的巧妙,读此史事的人,才感兴趣。──全书终。 39Which if I have done well, and as it becometh the history, it is what I desired: but if not so perfectly, it must be pardoned me.
40 40For as it is hurtful to drink always wine, or always water, but pleasant to use sometimes the one, and sometimes the other: so if the speech be always nicely framed, it will not be grateful to the readers. But here it shall be ended.
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