亚毛斯:Chapter 3


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亚毛斯 Amos
1以色列子民!你们应听从上主关于你们,即关于我由埃及国领出来的全体民族所说的话: 1Hear the word that the Lord hath spoken concerning you, O ye children of Israel: concerning the whole family that I brought up out of the land of Egypt, saying:
2「由世界上一切种族中,我只拣选了你们,为此,我必惩罚你们的罪恶。 2You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore will I visit upon you all your iniquities.
3二人除非预约,岂能同行? 3Shall two walk together except they be agreed?
4狮子若无猎物,岂能在林中咆哮?幼狮若非捕到食物,岂能在洞中吼叫? 4Will a lion roar in the forest, if he have no prey? will the lion's whelp cry out of his den, if he have taken nothing?
5雀鸟若无饵食,岂能落在地上?机槛若无所获,岂能由地上翻起? 5Will the bird fall into the snare upon the earth, if there be no fowler? Shall the snare be taken up from the earth, before it hath taken somewhat?
6如在城中吹起号角,人民岂不恐怖?如城里发生灾祸,岂不是上主所为? 6Shall the trumpet sound in a city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city, which the Lord hath not done?
7的确,吾主上主若不先将自己的计划启示给自己的先知,什么也不作。 7For the Lord God doth nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.
8狮子咆哮了,谁不害怕?吾主上主发了言,谁能不传他的话?」 8The lion shall roar, who will not fear? The Lord God hath spoken, who shall not prophesy?
9「你们要在亚述和埃及的宫殿高处宣布说:你们应聚集在撒玛黎雅的山上,观看那里的混乱和其中的残暴。 9Publish it in the houses of Azotus, and in the houses of the land of Egypt, and say: Assemble yourselves upon the mountains of Samaria, and behold the many follies in the midst thereof, and them that suffer oppression in the inner rooms thereof.
10他们不知行正直的事──上主的断语──只知在宫殿内积累强暴与欺压。 10And they have not known to do the right thing, saith the Lord, storing up iniquity, and robberies in their houses.
11因此,吾主上主这样说:敌人要围困此地,推翻你的堡垒,抢掠你的宫殿。 11Therefore thus saith the Lord God: The land shall be in tribulation, and shall be compassed about: and thy strength shall be taken away from thee, and thy houses shall be spoiled.
12上主这样说:牧人怎样由狮子口中抢救出两条羊腿,或一块羊耳,以色列子民,即在撒玛黎雅斜倚在安乐椅角上,或大马士革榻上的人,也要怎样被救出。 12Thus saith the Lord: As if a shepherd should get out of the lion's mouth two legs, or the tip of the ear: so shall the children of Israel be taken out that dwell in Samaria, in a piece of a bed, and in the couch of Damascus.
13你们静听,并对雅各伯家作証──吾主上主万军的天主的断语── 13Hear ye, and testify in the house of Jacob, saith the Lord the God of hosts:
14在我惩罚以色列罪恶之日,我必毁坏贝特耳的祭坛,祭坛的角必被打落在地上。 14That in the day when I shall begin to visit the transgressions of Israel, I will visit upon him, and upon the altars of Bethel: and the horns of the altars shall be cut off, and shall fall to the ground.
15我要破坏过冬和过夏的别墅,象牙宫也必遭毁坏,高楼大厦也必荡然无存」──上主的断语。 15And I will strike the winter house with the summer house: and the houses of ivory shall perish, and many houses shall be destroyed, saith the Lord.
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