巴路克:Chapter 5


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巴路克 Baruch
1耶路撒冷!请你脱去你居丧悲伤的衣裳,永远穿上天主光荣的华服, 1Put off, O Jerusalem, the garment of thy mourning, and affliction: and put on the beauty, and honour of that everlasting glory which thou hast from God.
2披上天主正义的披肩,在你头上戴上永生者光荣的冠冕, 2God will clothe thee with the double garment of justice, and will set a crown on thy head of everlasting honour.
3因为天主要对天下万邦显示你的荣耀, 3For God will shew his brightness in thee, to every one under heaven.
4给你起名永远叫「正义的和平」,和「虔敬的光荣。」 4For thy name shall be named to thee by God for ever: the peace of justice, and honour of piety.
5耶路撒冷!请你起来,站在高处,向东远眺,看,你的子女奉圣者的命,由西方至东方集合,喜庆天主终于想起了他们。 5Arise, O Jerusalem, and stand on high: and look about towards the east, and behold thy children gathered together from the rising to the setting sun, by the word of the Holy One rejoicing in the remembrance of God.
6他们离你远去,由仇人押送步行;如今天主却将他们给你再领回来;他们体面光荣,被人抬回,好像皇子一样; 6For they went out from thee on foot, led by the enemies: but the Lord will bring them to thee exalted with honour as children of the kingdom.
7因为天主已命令夷平一切的高山和永恒的丘陵,填平所有的山谷,使它们化为平地,好让以色列在天主的光荣下平安前行; 7For God hath appointed to bring down every high mountain, and the everlasting rocks, and to fill up the valleys to make them even with the ground: that Israel may walk diligently to the honour of God.
8森林和一切香树要依照天主的命令,给以色列散布荫凉; 8Moreover the woods, and every sweet-smelling tree have overshadowed Israel by the commandment of God.
9因为天主要在喜乐中,以自己本有的仁慈和正义,在自己荣耀的光辉下,亲自领回以色列。」 9For God will bring Israel with joy in the light of his majesty, with mercy, and justice, that cometh from him.
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