达尼尔:Chapter 13


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达尼尔 Daniel
1从前有一个人住在巴比伦,名叫约雅金, 1Now there was a man that dwelt in Babylon, and his name was Joakim:
2他娶了一个妻子名叫苏撒纳,是希耳克雅的女儿;这女子非常美丽,而且敬畏上主, 2And he took a wife whose name was Susanna, the daughter of Helcias, a very beautiful woman, and one that feared God.
3原来她的父母都是义人,常按照梅瑟的法律教育了自己的女儿。 3For her parents being just, had instructed their daughter according to the law of Moses.
4约雅金是个很富有的人;靠近他的住宅有一个果园;由于他比众人更有声望,犹太人经常到他那里集会。 4Now Joakim was very rich, and had an orchard near his house: and the Jews resorted to him, because he was the most honourable of them all.
5那一年,有两个长老由人民选为民长,上主曾论及这类人说:「邪恶充塞巴比伦,是由于只在表面上治理人民的长老和民长。」 5And there were two of the ancients of the people appointed judges that year, of whom the Lord said: Iniquity came out from Babylon from the ancient judges, that seemed to govern the people.
6这两个人经常到约雅金的家里来;凡有诉讼的,都到这里来见他们。 6These men frequented the house of Joakim, and all that had any matters of judgment came to them.
7中午时,人民离去以后,苏撒纳常走进她丈夫的果园里散步。 7And when the people departed away at noon, Susanna went in, and walked in her husband's orchard.
8那两个长老每天见她进去散步,遂对她起了邪念。 8And the old men saw her going in every day, and walking: and they were inflamed with lust towards her:
9他们昧着良心,转眼不看上天,全不思念正义的裁判。 9And they perverted their own mind and turned away their eyes that they might not look unto heaven, nor remember just judgments.
10他们二人虽然都为了暗恋她而伤感,却不敢彼此披露自己的隐情, 10So they were both wounded with the love of her, yet they did not make known their grief one to the other:
11因为他们都羞于说明自己希望与她交合的欲念。 11For they were ashamed to declare to one another their lust, being desirous to have to do with her.
12但他们二人仍然天天争着去窥看她。 12And they watched carefully every day to see her. And one said to the other:
13一天,这人对那人说:「我们现在回家罢,因为已到午饭的时候了。」他们出去以后,便各自走了。 13Let us now go home, for it is dinner time. So going out they departed one from another.
14接着又都走回原来的地方,他们互问走回来的原因之后,便都承认了自己的欲念;于是他们二人同谋,寻找一个能遇到苏撒纳一人独处的时机。 14And turning back again, they came both to the same place: and asking one another the cause, they acknowledged their lust; and then they agreed upon a time, when they might find her alone.
15他们在等待一个适当的机会时,有一天苏撒纳像往日一样,只带着两个婢女进了果园,由于天热,她想在园中沐浴。 15And it fell out, as they watched a fit day, she went in on a time, as yesterday and the day before, with two maids only, and was desirous to wash herself in the orchard: for it was hot weather.
16那时园中除了这两个藏着窥看她的长老外,没有别人。 16And there was nobody there, but the two old men that had hid themselves and were beholding her.
17苏撒纳对婢女说:「将油和香皂给我拿来,关上园门,我要沐浴。」 17So she said to the maids: Bring me oil, and washing balls, and shut the doors of the orchard, that I may wash me.
18她们便遵命去作,关上园门,从侧门出去,去取她吩咐她们的东西,全不知道这两个长老隐藏在那里。 18And they did as she bade them: and they shut the doors of the orchard, and went out by a back door to fetch what she had commanded them, and they knew not that the elders were hid within.
19婢女们一走出去,这两个长老便起来,跑到她面前, 19Now when the maids were gone forth, the two elders arose, and ran to her, and said:
20对她说:「看,园门关了,没有人能看见我们,我们早就爱上了你,你要答应我们,与我们交合罢! 20Behold the doors of the orchard are shut, and nobody seeth us, and we are in love with thee: wherefore consent to us, and lie with us.
21不然,我们就要作证控告你,说有一个青年人同你在一起,所以你才打发婢女们离开你。」 21But if thou wilt not, we will bear witness against thee, that a young man was with thee, and therefore thou didst send away thy maids from thee.
22苏撒纳叹息说:「我真是左右为难!因为我若作了这事,我是必死无疑;我若不作这事,我也难逃你们的手。 22Susanna sighed, and said: I am straitened on every side: for if I do this thing, it is death to me: and if I do it not, I shall not escape your hands.
23我不如不作,宁可落在你们手里,也不愿在上主面前犯罪。」 23But it is better for me to fall into your hands without doing it, than to sin in the sight of the Lord.
24苏撒纳遂高声喊叫,这两个长老为对付她也喊叫起来, 24With that Susanna cried out with a loud voice: and the elders also cried out against her.
25其中一个跑去开了园门。 25And one of them ran to the door of the orchard, and opened it.
26家人一听见园中的喊声,就急忙从侧门跑进来,要看看她遭遇了什么事。 26So when the servants of the house heard the cry in the orchard, they rushed in by the back door to see what was the matter.
27但是当长老们说出这段话以后,仆人们都感觉羞惭,因为从来没有人说苏撒纳有过这样的事。 27But after the old men had spoken, the servants were greatly ashamed: for never had there been any such word said of Susanna. And on the next day,
28第二天,人民聚集到她丈夫约雅金那里的时候,那两个长老也来了,满怀恶意,一心要将苏撒纳置于死地。 28When the people were come to Joakim her husband, the two elders also came full of wicked device against Susanna, to put her to death.
29他们在人民面前说:「派人将希耳克雅的女儿,约雅金的妻子,苏撒纳带上来!」差人便去了。 29And they said before the people: Send to Susanna daughter of Helcias the wife of Joakim. And presently they sent.
30苏撒纳同他的父母,她的孩子和她所有的亲戚都来了。 30And she came with her parents, and children, and all her kindred.
31苏撒纳长得体态轻盈,相貌美丽。 31Now Susanna was exceeding delicate, and beautiful to behold.
32这两个坏人命她除去面纱──因为她原是带着面纱的──好让自己饱览她的美色。 32But those wicked men commanded that her face should be uncovered, (for she was covered,) that so at least they might be satisfied with her beauty.
33她的亲友和看见她的人都在哭泣。 33Therefore her friends and all her acquaintance wept.
34那两个长老遂在人民中站起来,把手按在苏撒纳的头上。 34But the two elders rising up in the midst of the people, laid their hands upon her head.
35她哭着仰视上天,衷心依赖上主。 35And she weeping looked up to heaven, for her heart had confidence in the Lord.
36两个长老说:「当时只有我们两人在园中散步,她同两个婢女进来,随即关了园门,并辞退了两个婢女。 36And the elders said: As we walked in the orchard alone, this woman came in with two maids, and shut the doors of the orchard, and sent away the maids from her.
37一个预先藏在园中的青年人,走到她面前,与她睡在一起。 37Then a young man that was there hid came to her, and lay with her.
38我们在园中的角落里看见这种丑事,便跑到他们那里。 38But we that were in a corner of the orchard, seeing this wickedness, ran up to them, and we saw them lie together.
39我们虽然看见他们二人在一起,但我们却不能捉住那个青年,因为他比我们有力,他便开门逃走了。 39And him indeed we could not take, because he was stronger than us, and opening the doors he leaped out:
40我们捉住这女人以后,问她那个青年是谁, 40But having taken this woman, we asked who the young man was, but she would not tell us: of this thing we are witnesses.
41她却不肯告诉我们:对于这些事,我们是见证。」会众相信了他们,因为他们是人民的长老和民长,于是便定了苏撒纳的死罪。 41The multitude believed them as being the elders and the judges of the people, and they condemned her to death.
42苏撒纳遂大声呼号说:「永生的天主!你洞察隐秘的事,凡事在发生以前,你已知道了; 42Then Susanna cried out with a loud voice, and said: O eternal God, who knowest hidden things, who knowest all things before they come to pass,
43你知道他们对我所作的是假见证;看,现在我要死了,然而我并没有作过,他们恶意对我所捏造的事。」 43Thou knowest that they have borne false witness against me: and behold I must die, whereas I have done none of these things, which these men have maliciously forged against me.
44上主俯听了她的呼声; 44And the Lord heard her voice.
45当她被押赴刑场的时候,天主感动了一个青年人的圣善心灵,这青年名叫达尼尔, 45And when she was led to be put to death, the Lord raised up the holy spirit of a young boy, whose name was Daniel.
46他便高声呼喊说:「对于流这女人的血,我是没有罪的!」 46And he cried out with a loud voice I am clear from the blood of this woman.
47民众转过身来问他说:「你说这话有什么意思呢?」 47Then all the people turning themselves towards him, said: What meaneth this word that thou hast spoken?
48达尼尔立在民众中间说:「以色列子民!你们怎么这样糊涂?未经审问,不查实情,就定一个以色列女子的罪案吗? 48But he standing in the midst of them, said: Are ye so foolish, ye children of Israel, that without examination or knowledge of the truth, you have condemned a daughter of Israel?
49你们再回审判厅!因为他们二人作了假见证,诬陷了她。」 49Return to judgment, for they have borne false witness against her.
50于是民众急忙回去,众长老对达尼尔说:「请你来,坐在我们中间,明白地告诉我们,因为天主把长老的智慧赐给了你。」 50So all the people turned again in haste, and the old men said to him: Come, and sit thou down among us, and shew it us: seeing God hath given thee the honour of old age.
51达尼尔对他们说:「将这两个长老隔离开,让我来审问他们。」 51And Daniel said to the people: Separate these two far from one another, and I will examine them.
52把他们二人隔开以后,达尼尔叫过其中的一个来,对他说:「你这个一生作恶的老妖,你以前犯的罪,现在已临到你身上了! 52So when they were put asunder one from the other, he called one of them, and said to him: O thou that art grown old in evil days, now are thy sins come out, which thou hast committed before:
53你宣布不义的裁判,判定无辜者有罪,释放有罪的人,虽然上主曾说:不可杀害无辜和正义的人。 53In judging unjust judgments, oppressing the innocent, and letting the guilty to go free, whereas the Lord saith: The innocent and the just thou shalt not kill.
54如果你真看见了她,现在你告诉我:你看见他们在一起是在什么树下?」他回答说:「是在乳香树下。」 54Now then, if thou sawest her, tell me under what tree thou sawest them conversing together. He said: Under a mastic tree.
55达尼尔说:「够了!你在说谎,应砍你的头,因为天主的天使已奉天主的命,要把你斩为两段。」 55And Daniel said: Well hast thou lied against thy own head: for behold the angel of God having received the sentence of him, shall cut thee in two.
56达尼尔叫他退下,命将另一个带上来,对他说:「客纳罕的苗裔而非犹大的苗裔啊!美色迷惑了你,淫欲颠倒了你的心。 56And having put him aside, he commanded that the other should come, and he said to him: O thou seed of Chanaan, and not of Juda, beauty hath deceived thee, and lust hath perverted thy heart:
57你们一向这样对待了以色列的女子们,她们由于害怕而与你们交往,但是这个犹大女子,却不能忍受你们的邪恶! 57Thus did you do to the daughters of Israel, and they for fear conversed with you: but a daughter of Juda would not abide your wickedness.
58现在你告诉我:你发现他们在一起,是在什么树下?」他回答说:「是在樟树下。」 58Now therefore tell me, under what tree didst thou take them conversing together. And he answered: Under a holm tree.
59达尼尔对他说:「的确,你也一样在说谎话,也必要砍下你的头!天主的天使手中已拿了利剑在等待着,要将你斩为两段,消灭你们。」 59And Daniel said to him: Well hast thou also lied against thy own head: for the angel of the Lord waiteth with a sword to cut thee in two, and to destroy you.
60全会众遂大声呐喊,赞美天主,因为他拯救了那些仰望他的人。 60With that all the assembly cried out with a loud voice, and they blessed God, who saveth them that trust in him.
61众人都起来攻击那两个长老,因为达尼尔按照他们二人的口供,证实了他们作假见证;他们怎样恶意对待了自己的近人,民众也怎样对待了他们。 61And they rose up against the two elders, (for Daniel had convicted them of false witness by their own mouth,) and they did to them as they had maliciously dealt against their neighbour,
62于是众人按照梅瑟的法律将他们处死;这样,那一天救了无辜者的血。 62To fulfill the law of Moses: and they put them to death, and innocent blood was saved in that day.
63为此,希耳克雅和他的妻子为女儿苏撒纳,同苏撒纳的丈夫约雅金和自己全体亲友,一起称谢了天主,因为在苏撒纳身上没有找到什么败德的事。 63But Helcias and his wife praised God, for their daughter Susanna, with Joakim her husband, and all her kindred, because there was no dishonesty found in her.
64从那一天以后,达尼尔在人民面前大受尊重。 64And Daniel became great in the sight of the people from that day, and thenceforward.
65 65And king Astyages was gathered to his fathers, and Cyrus the Persian received his kingdom.
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