艾斯德尔传:Chapter 2


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艾斯德尔传 Esther
1这些事以后,薛西斯王的盛怒遂平息了,不再回念瓦市提和她所作的事,也不再追究对她所决定的事。 1After this, when the wrath of king Assuerus was appeased, he remembered Vasthi, and what she had done and what she had suffered:
2于是侍奉君王的仆役说:「应为大王另选美貌的年轻处女; 2And the king's servants and his officers said: Let young women be sought for the king, virgins and beautiful,
3大王可指派委员到全国各省,把所有美貌的轻处女,都召集到稣撒禁城的后宫来,由管理嫔妃的王家太监赫革负责照应,供给她们美容润身的香料。 3And let some persons be sent through all the provinces to look for beautiful maidens and virgins: and let them bring them to the city of Susan, and put them into the house of the women under the hand of Egeus the eunuch, who is the overseer and keeper of the king's women: and let them receive women's ornaments, and other things necessary for their use.
4那中悦君王的处女,就得代瓦市提为后。」这建议正合了王的心,王就照样进行。 4And whosoever among them all shall please the king's eyes, let her be queen instead of Vasthi. The word pleased the king: and he commanded it should be done as they had suggested.
5在稣撒禁城内,有一个犹太人,名叫摩尔德开,是雅依尔的儿子,史米的孙子,本雅明族人克士的曾孙, 5There was a man in the city of Susan, a Jew, named Mardochai, the son of Jair, the son of Semei, the son of Cis, of the race of Jemini,
6克士是巴比伦王拿步高由耶路撒冷将犹大王耶苛尼雅掳去时,被掳的俘虏之一。 6Who had been carried away from Jerusalem at the time that Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon carried away Jechonias king of Juda,
7摩尔德开抚养了他的堂妹哈达撒,又名叫艾斯德尔,她自幼就丧失父母。这女孩身材标致,容貌美丽,自她父母去世后,摩尔德开就收她作自己的女儿。 7And he had brought up his brother's daughter Edissa, who by another name was called Esther: now she had lost both her parents: and was exceeding fair and beautiful. And her father and mother being dead, Mardochai adopted her for his daughter.
8不久,皇帝的谕旨和诏令,传遍了全国,许多少女都被召到稣撒禁城,受赫革的监护,艾斯德尔也被带到王宫,交与管理嫔妃的赫革看管。 8And when the king's ordinance was noised abroad, and according to his commandment many beautiful virgins were brought to Susan, and were delivered to Egeus the eunuch: Esther also among the rest of the maidens was delivered to him to be kept in the number of the women.
9她很讨赫革喜悦,大得他的宠爱,遂立即供给她美容润身的物品和所需食品,并选派了七个美丽的宫女服侍她,又将她和她的侍女迁移到后宫最好的宫院里。 9And she pleased him, and found favour in his sight. And he commanded the eunuch to hasten the women's ornaments, and to deliver to her her part, and seven of the most beautiful maidens of the king's house, and to adorn and deck out both her and her waiting maids.
10但艾斯德尔却没有说出她自己的民族和身世,因为摩尔德开早已吩咐她不要提及此事。 10And she would not tell him her people nor her country. For Mardochai had charged her to say nothing at all of that:
11此后,摩尔德开天天在后宫的庭院前徘徊,好打听艾斯德尔的消息,想知道她的情形如何。 11And he walked every day before the court of the house, in which the chosen virgins were kept, having a care for Esther's welfare, and desiring to know what would befall her.
12在每个处女轮流去见薛西斯王以前,都该先按嫔妃的规则,度过十二个月的「润身期」:六个月应用没药汁,六个月应用香液,以及女人润身的修饰品。 12Now when every virgin's turn came to go in to the king, after all had been done for setting them off to advantage, it was the twelfth month: so that for six months they were anointed with oil of myrrh, and for other six months they used certain perfumes and sweet spices.
13有了这样的准备,少女才可去见君王;凡她所要求的,都应让她由后宫带进王宫去。 13And when they were going in to the king, whatsoever they asked to adorn themselves they received: and being decked out, as it pleased them, they passed from the chamber of the women to the king's chamber.
14她晚上进去,次日早晨回到另一座后宫,受君王管理嫔妃的太监沙市加次的监护;除非君王宠爱她,提名召她,她不得再亲近君王。 14And she that went in at evening, came out in the morning, and from thence she was conducted to the second house, that was under the hand of Susagaz the eunuch, who had the charge over the king's concubines: neither could she return any more to the king, unless the king desired it, and had ordered her by name to come.
15一轮到摩尔德开的叔父阿彼海耳的女儿──即摩尔德开的养女──艾斯德尔去见君王的时候,除了管理嫔妃的王家太监赫革给她预备的东西以外,她什么也不要;凡看见艾斯德尔的人,没有不喜爱她的。 15And as the time came orderly about, the day was at hand, when Esther, the daughter of Abihail the brother of Mardochai, whom he had adopted for his daughter, was to go in to the king. But she sought not women's ornaments, but whatsoever Egeus the eunuch the keeper of the virgins had a mind, he gave her to adorn her. For she was exceeding fair, and her incredible beauty made her appear agreeable and amiable in the eyes of all.
16艾斯德尔在薛西斯为王第七年十月即「太贝特」月,被召进王宫。 16So she was brought to the chamber of king Assuerus the tenth month, which is called Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.
17王爱艾斯德尔超过所有的嫔妃。在所有的处女中,她最得君王的欢心和喜爱。王便将后冠戴在她头上,立她为王后,以代瓦市提。 17And the king loved her more than all the women, and she had favour and kindness before him above all the women, and he set the royal crown on her head, and made her queen instead of Vasthi.
18于是,王给众文武官员摆设盛宴,一连七天,号为艾斯德尔宴,又给全国各省颁赐大赦,并按照君王的法度敕赠御品。 18And he commanded a magnificent feast to be prepared for all the princes, and for his servants, for the marriage and wedding of Esther. And he gave rest to all the provinces, and bestowed gifts according to princely magnificence.
19当二次召集处女时,摩尔德开仍在御门供职。 19And when the virgins were sought the second time, and gathered together, Mardochai stayed at the king's gate,
20那时艾斯德尔,按着摩尔德开事先给她吩咐了的,还没有透露自己的身世和种族:凡摩尔德开吩咐的,艾斯德尔必尽力遵守,如同昔日受他抚养时一样。 20Neither had Esther as yet declared her country and people, according to his commandment. For whatsoever he commanded, Esther observed: and she did all things in the same manner as she was wont at that time when he brought her up a little one.
21摩尔德开在御门供职的时候,王的两个守门大监,彼革堂和特勒士,因一时忿怒,就设计对薛西斯王下毒手。 21At that time, therefore, when Mardochai abode at the king's gate, Bagathan and Thares, two of the king's eunuchs, who were porters, and presided in the first entry of the palace, were angry: and they designed to rise up against the king, and to kill him.
22但摩尔德开一发觉了那阴谋,就告知艾斯德尔王后,艾斯德尔便以摩尔德开的名义转告君王。 22And Mardochai had notice of it, and immediately he told it to queen Esther: and she to the king in Mardochai's name, who had reported the thing unto her.
23那阴谋经过调查证实以后,就将他们二人悬在木架上,处以极刑。此事的原委,当着君王的面,记录在年鉴内。 23It was inquired into, and found out: and they were both hanged on a gibbet. And it was put in the histories, and recorded in the chronicles before the king.
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