出谷纪:Chapter 22


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出谷纪 Exodus
1窃贼若在挖窟窿时,被人逮住打死,打的人没有流血的罪。 1If any man steal an ox or a sheep, and kill or sell it: he shall restore five oxen for one ox, and four sheep for one sheep.
2若太阳已出来,打的人就有流血的罪。窃贼必须偿还。他若一无所有,应卖身还他所偷之物。 2If a thief be found breaking open a house or undermining it, and be wounded so as to die: he that slew him shall not be guilty of blood.
3所偷之物无论是牛或驴或羊,若在他手中被寻获时还活着,应加倍偿还。 3But if he did this when the sun is risen, he hath committed murder, and he shall die. If he have not wherewith to make restitution for the theft, he shall be sold.
4假使有人在田地和葡萄园放牲口,让牲口到别人的田地去吃,应拿自己田地或园中最好的出产赔偿。 4If that which he stole be found with him, alive, either ox, or ass, or sheep: he shall restore double.
5假使放火烧荆棘而烧了别人的麦捆或庄稼或田地,点火的人应赔偿。 5If any man hurt a field or a vineyard, and put in his beast to feed upon that which is other men's: he shall restore the best of whatsoever he hath in his own field, or in his vineyard, according to the estimation of the damage.
6假使有人将银钱或物品交人保存,而银钱或物品从这人家中被偷去,若贼人被寻获,应加倍赔偿。 6If a fire breaking out light upon thorns, and catch stacks of corn, or corn standing in the fields, he that kindled the fire shall make good the loss.
7若寻不到贼人,家主应到天主前作证,自己没有伸手拿原主之物。 7If a man deliver money, or any vessel unto his friend to keep, and they be stolen away from him that received them: if the thief be found he shall restore double:
8关于任何争讼案件,不拘是对牛、驴、羊、衣服,或任何遗失之物,若一个说:这是我的。两人的案件应呈到天主前;天主宣布谁有罪,谁就应加倍赔偿。 8If the thief be not known, the master of the house shall be brought to the gods, and shall swear that he did not lay his hand upon his neighbour's goods,
9假使有人将驴、牛、羊,或任何牲口托人看守,若有死亡或断了腿,或被抢走,而又没有人看见, 9To do any fraud, either in ox, or in ass, or sheep, or raiment, or any thing that may bring damage: the cause of both parties shall come to the gods: and if they give judgment, he shall restore double to his neighbour.
10应在上主前起誓定断两人的案件,证明看守者没有动手害原主之物;原主若接受起的誓,看守者就不必赔偿; 10If a man deliver ass, ox, sheep, or any beast, to his neighbour's custody, and it die, or be hurt, or be taken by enemies, and no man saw it:
11若是由他手中偷去,他应赔偿原主; 11There shall be an oath between them, that he did not put forth his hand to his neighbour's goods: and the owner shall accept of the oath; and he shall not be compelled to make restitution.
12若被野兽撕裂了,他应带回作证明,为撕裂之物就不必赔偿。 12But if it were taken away by stealth, he shall make the loss good to the owner.
13假使有人借用人的牲口,牲口若断了腿或死亡,而原主不在场,就应赔偿。 13If it were eaten by a beast, let him bring to him that which was slain, and he shall not make restitution.
14若原主在场,就不必赔偿;若是雇来的,已有雇金作赔偿。 14If a man borrow of his neighbour any of these things, and it be hurt or die, the owner not being present, he shall be obliged to make restitution.
15假使有人引诱没有订婚的处女,而与她同睡,应出聘礼,聘她为妻。 15But if the owner be present, he shall not make restitution, especially if it were hired and came for the hire of his work.
16若她的父亲坚决不肯将女儿嫁给他,他应付出和给处女作聘礼一样多的银钱。 16If a man seduce a virgin not yet espoused, and lie with her: he shall endow her, and have her to wife.
17女巫,你不应让她活着。 17If the maid's father will not give her to him, he shall give money according to the dowry, which virgins are wont to receive.
18凡与走兽交合的,应受死刑。 18Wizards thou shalt not suffer to live.
19在唯一上主以外,又祭献外神的,应被毁灭。 19Whosoever copulateth with a beast shall be put to death.
20对外侨,不要苛待和压迫,因为你们在埃及也曾侨居过。 20He that sacrificeth to gods, shall be put to death, save only to the Lord.
21对任何寡妇和孤儿,不可苛待; 21Thou shalt not molest a stranger, nor afflict him: for yourselves also were strangers in the land of Egypt.
22若是苛待了一个,他若向我呼求,我必听他的呼求, 22You shall not hurt a widow or an orphan.
23必要发怒,用刀杀死你们:这样,你们的妻子也要成为寡妇,你们的儿子也要成为孤儿。 23If you hurt them they will cry out to me, and I will hear their cry:
24如果你借钱给我的一个百姓,即你中间的一个穷人,你对他不可像放债的人,向他取利。 24And my rage shall be enkindled, and I will strike you with the sword, and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.
25若是你拿了人的外氅作抵押,日落以前,应归还他, 25If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor, that dwelleth with thee, thou shalt not be hard upon them as an extortioner, nor oppress them with usuries.
26因为这是他唯一的铺盖,是他盖身的外氅;如果没有它,他怎样睡觉呢?他若向我呼号,我必俯听,因为我是仁慈的。 26If thou take of thy neighbour a garment in pledge, thou shalt give it him again before sunset.
27不可咒骂天主,不可诅咒你百姓的首长。 27For that same is the only thing wherewith he is covered, the clothing of his body, neither hath he any other to sleep in: if he cry to me, I will hear him, because I am compassionate.
28不可迟延献你丰收的五谷和初榨的油;你子孙中的长子,都应献给我。 28Thou shalt not speak ill of the gods, and the prince of thy people thou shalt not curse.
29对于你牛羊的首生也应这样行;七天同牠母亲在一起,第八天应把牠献给我。 29Thou shalt not delay to pay thy tithes and thy firstfruits: thou shalt give the firstborn of thy sons to me.
30你们为我应做圣善的人;田间被野兽撕裂的肉,不可以吃,应扔给狗吃。 30Thou shalt do the same with the firstborn of thy oxen also and sheep: seven days let it be with its dam, the eighth day thou shalt give it to me.
31 31You shall be holy men to me: the flesh that beasts have tasted of before, you shall not eat, but shall cast it to the dogs.
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