厄则克耳:Chapter 27


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厄则克耳 Ezekiel
1上主的话传给我说: 1And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
2「人子,你应唱哀歌凭吊提洛, 2Thou therefore, O son of man, take up a lamentation for Tyre:
3向位于海口,同许多岛屿及人民通商的提洛说:吾主上主这样说:提洛,你曾说过:我是一只完美华丽的船; 3And say to Tyre that dwelleth at the entry of the sea, being the mart of the people for many islands: Thus saith the Lord God: O Tyre, thou hast said: I am of perfect beauty,
4你的领域伸入海心,你的建筑者造成了你的豪华: 4And situate in the heart of the sea. Thy neighbours, that built thee, have perfected thy beauty:
5他们用色尼尔的松柏制造了你的舷板,以黎巴嫩的香柏做了你的桅樯, 5With fir trees of Sanir they have built thee with all sea planks: they have taken cedars from Libanus to make thee masts.
6以巴商的橡木做了你的橹桨,用由基廷岛运来的松柏做了嵌有象牙的甲板, 6They have cut thy oars out of the oaks of Basan: and they have made thee benches of Indian ivory and cabins with things brought from the islands of Italy.
7用埃及的绣花麻布做了你的帆幔,作了你的旗帜,用厄里沙岛的紫色与朱色的布做了你的船篷; 7Fine broidered linen from Egypt was woven for thy sail, to be spread on thy mast: blue and purple from the islands of Elisa, were made thy covering.
8漆冬和阿尔瓦得的居民给你摇橹,责默尔的技工在你那里作你的舵手, 8The inhabitants of Sidon, and the Arabians were thy rowers: thy wise men, O Tyre, were thy pilots.
9革巴耳的长老和技工在你那里修理你的漏洞。一切航海的船只和海员都到你那里,交易货物。 9The ancients of Gebal, and the wise men thereof furnished mariners for the service of thy various furniture: all the ships of the sea, and their mariners were thy factors.
10波斯、路丁和普特人在你队伍中作你的军人,他们将盾牌和铜盔悬在你中间,增加你的光彩。 10The Persians, and Lydians, and the Libyans were thy soldiers in thy army: they hung up the buckler and the helmet in thee for thy ornament.
11阿尔瓦得和赫肋客子民围绕在你的城墙上,加玛得人在你的角楼中;他们把自己的盾,挂在四周的城墙上,使你的华丽更为圆满。 11The men of Arad were with thy army upon thy walls round about: the Pygmeans also that were in thy towers, hung up their quivers on thy walls round about: they perfected thy beauty.
12塔尔史士因你的财帛丰富,作你的客商,以银、铁、锡、铅来与你交易。 12The Carthaginians thy merchants supplied thy fairs with a multitude of all kinds of riches, with silver, iron, tin, and lead.
13雅汪、突巴耳、默舍客和你通商,以人口和铜器与你交易货物。 13Greece, Thubal, and Mosoch, they were thy merchants: they brought to thy people slaves and vessels of brass.
14由托加尔玛地方,有人以马、战马、骡子来交换货物。 14From the house of Thogorma they brought horses, and horsemen, and mules to thy market.
15德丹人也和你通商,许多岛民作你手下的商人,以象牙角和乌木作送给你的贡物。 15The men of Dedan were thy merchants: many islands were the traffic of thy hand, they exchanged for thy price teeth of ivory and ebony.
16阿兰人因你的出品多,也作你的客商,以紫宝石、红布、刺绣、细麻、珊瑚和红玛瑙与你交换货物。 16The Syrian was thy merchant: by reason of the multitude of thy works, they set forth precious stones, and purple, and broidered works, and fine linen, and silk, and chodchod in thy market.
17犹大和以色列地也和你通商,以米尼特谷、蜡、蜜、油和香料与你交易货物。 17Juda and the land of Israel, they were thy merchants with the best corn: they set forth balm, and honey, and oil, and rosin in thy fairs.
18大马士革因你出产多,财帛丰富,也作你的客商,以赫耳朋酒和匝哈尔羊毛与你交易。 18The men of Damascus were thy merchants in the multitude of thy works, in the multitude of divers riches, in rich wine, in wool of the best colour.
19此外丹、雅汪和乌匝耳也与你交易,以钢铁、肉桂和香菖蒲交换你的货物。 19Dan, and Greece, and Mosel have set forth in thy marts wrought iron: stacte, and calamus were in thy market.
20德丹以骑马的坐垫和你交易, 20The men of Dedan were thy merchants in tapestry for seats.
21阿剌伯和刻达尔的一切酋长也作你手下的商人,以羔羊、山羊和公羊与你交换货品。 21Arabia, and all the princes of Cedar, they were the merchants of thy hand: thy merchants came to thee with lambs, and rams, and kids.
22舍巴和辣阿玛的买卖人也作你的顾客,以各种上等的香料,各种宝石和黄金和你交换货品。 22The sellers of Saba, and Reema, they were thy merchants: with all the best spices, and precious stones, and gold, which they set forth in thy market.
23哈郎、加乃、厄登和舍巴的商人,亚述和一切玛待人也与你通商。 23Haran, and Chene, and Eden were thy merchants; Saba, Assur, and Chelmad sold to thee.
24他们在你的商场上,以华丽的衣服、朱色的外氅、刺绣、花毯、编织的结实绳索与你交易。 24They were thy merchants in divers manners, with bales of blue cloth, and of embroidered work, and of precious riches, which were wrapped up and bound with cords: they had cedars also in thy merchandise.
25塔尔史士船只载运你的货物。你在海上满了载,极其沈重。 25The ships of the sea, were thy chief in thy merchandise: and thou wast replenished, and glorified exceedingly in the heart of the sea.
26你的桨夫将你划到汪洋大海,东风将你在海中吹毁。 26Thy rowers have brought thee into great waters: the south wind hath broken thee in the heart of the sea.
27你的财帛、商品、货物,你的水手、舵手、船工,同你交易的商人,在你中间的一切战士,以及在你中间所有的民众,都在你沉没之日,溺死海中。 27Thy riches, and thy treasures, and thy manifold furniture, thy mariners, and thy pilots, who kept thy goods, and were chief over thy people: thy men of war also, that were in thee, with all thy multitude that is in the midst of thee: shall fall in the heart of the sea in the day of thy ruin.
28海岸都因你舵手的狂叫声而震动。 28Thy fleets shall be troubled at the sound of the cry of thy pilots.
29所有摇橹的人、水手和航海的舵手都要离船登岸, 29And all that handled the oar shall come down from their ships: the mariners, and all the pilots of the sea shall stand upon the land:
30狂呼呐喊哀吊你,在头上撒灰,辗转于尘埃之中, 30And they shall mourn over thee with a loud voice, and shall cry bitterly: and they shall cast up dust upon their heads, and shall be sprinkled with ashes.
31并且为你而剃光了头,穿上苦衣,痛心哭泣,悲痛哀悼你。 31And they shall shave themselves bald for thee, and shall be girded with haircloth: and they shall weep for thee with bitterness of soul, with most bitter weeping.
32他们在痛苦中,向你唱哀歌,追悼你说:『有谁相似沉没于海中的提洛? 32And they shall take up a mournful song for thee, and shall lament thee: What city is like Tyre, which is become silent in the midst of the sea?
33你的货品由海中运出时,曾使许多民族满足;以你大量的财帛和货物,使陆地上的列王丰富。 33Which by thy merchandise that went from thee by sea didst fill many people: which by the multitude of thy riches, and of thy people didst enrich the kings of the earth.
34现今你沉入海中,落在海底,你的财物和所有的人,都随着你而沉没了。』 34Now thou art destroyed by the sea, thy riches are in the bottom of the waters, and all the multitude that was in the midst of thee is fallen.
35群岛所有的居民都为你而惊骇,那里的列王都极为战栗,面带忧色。 35All the inhabitants of the islands are astonished at thee: and all their kings being struck with the storm have changed their countenance.
36各国的商人都要嗤笑你;你竟成了恐怖的对象,且永远不复存在。」 36The merchants of people have hissed at thee: thou art brought to nothing, and thou shalt never be any more.
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