厄则克耳:Chapter 5


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厄则克耳 Ezekiel
1「人子,你拿一把快刀,当理发的剃刀用,剃去你的头发和胡须,然后拿一个天平,分开那些须发。 1And thou, son of man, take thee a sharp knife that shaveth the hair: and cause it to pass over thy head, and over thy beard: and take thee a balance to weigh in, and divide the hair.
2等被困的日子一满,把三分之一在城内用火烧掉;再拿三分之一在城四周用剑击砍;其他三分之一,要扬在风中,我要拔出剑来追赶他们。 2A third part thou shalt burn with fire in the midst of the city, according to the fulfilling of the days of the siege: and thou shalt take a third part, and cut it in pieces with the knife all round about: and the other third part thou shalt scatter in the wind, and I will draw out the sword after them.
3但你要从须发中取出几根来,系在你的衣服边上, 3And thou shalt take thereof a small number: and shalt bind them in the skirt of thy cloak.
4再从其中取出几根投入火中,让火烧掉;然后你向以色列全家说: 4And thou shalt take of them again, and shalt cast them in the midst of the fire, and shalt burn them with fire: and out of it shall come forth a fire into all the house of Israel.
5吾主上主这样说:这就是耶路撒冷!我将她安置在万民之中,使万国环绕着她; 5Thus saith the Lord God: This is Jerusalem, I have set her in the midst of the nations, and the countries round about her.
6但是她违背了我的法令,作恶甚于异民,违背我的法律甚于环绕她的列国,因为她们轻视了我的法令,没有照我的法律行事。」 6And she hath despised my judgments, so as to be more wicked than the Gentiles; and my commandments, more than the countries that are round about her: for they have cast off my judgments, and have not walked in my commandments.
7为此,吾主上主这样说:因为你们比环绕你们的异民更为叛逆,没有照我的法律行事,没有遵行我的法令,也没有按照环绕你们的异民的法律行事; 7Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Because you have surpassed the Gentiles that are round about you, and have not walked in my commandments, and have not kept my judgments, and have not done according to the judgments of the nations that are round about you:
8因此吾主上主这样说:看,我要亲自对付你;在你中间,在异民眼前实行惩罚。 8Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Behold I come against thee, and I myself will execute judgments in the midst of thee in the sight of the Gentiles.
9为了你的一切丑恶,我要对你实行未曾实行过的,将来也不会实行的事: 9And I will do in thee that which I have not done: and the like to which I will do no more, because of all thy abominations.
10在你境内,为父的要吃自己的儿子,为子的要吃自己的父亲。我必如此在你境内实行惩罚,且把遗民分散到四方。 10Therefore the fathers shall eat the sons in the midst of thee, and the sons shall eat their fathers: and I will execute judgments in thee, and I will scatter thy whole remnant into every wind.
11为此我指着我的生命起誓说:──吾主上主的断语──因为你用你的一切可憎和可恶之物玷污了我的圣所,我必将你铲除,我的眼决不怜视,一点也不怜惜。 11Therefore as I live, saith the Lord God: Because thou hast violated my sanctuary with all thy offences, and with all thy abominations: I will also break thee in pieces, and my eye shall not spare, and I will not have any pity.
12你三分之一的人民要在你境内死于瘟疫,亡于饥荒;另三分之一,在你四周各地丧身刀下;其他三分之一,我要分散到各地。我且拔出剑来追赶他们。 12A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and shall be consumed with famine in the midst of thee: and a third part of thee shall fall by the sword round about thee: and a third part of thee will I scatter into every wind, and I will draw out a sword after them.
13这样,我的忿怒才可以发泄,我的怒火在他们身上才会平息,得到了报复;当我的愤怒在他们身上发泄时,他们要承认我,上主,在妒火中讲了话。 13And I will accomplish my fury, and will cause my indignation to rest upon them, and I will be comforted: and they shall know that I the Lord have spoken it in my zeal, when I shall have accomplished my indignation in them.
14我要使你成为荒野,使你在环绕你的异民前,和所有的过客前,成为辱骂的对象。 14And I will make thee desolate, and a reproach among the nations that are round about thee, in the sight of every one that passeth by.
15当我大发愤怒,以严厉的惩罚在你身上施行裁判时,你就成为环绕你的异民凌辱、耻笑、警戒和惊骇的对象:这是我上主说的。 15And thou shalt be a reproach, and a scoff, an example, and an astonishment amongst the nations that are round about thee, when I shall have executed judgments in thee in anger, and in indignation, and in wrathful rebukes.
16当我向你们射出饥荒的毒箭── 射出毁灭的箭,毁灭你们时── 我必使饥荒在你们境内更加严重,断绝你们的粮源。 16I the Lord have spoken it: When I shall send upon them the grievous arrows of famine, which shall bring death, and which I will send to destroy you: and I will gather together famine against you: and I will break among you the staff of bread.
17我必使饥荒和猛兽危害你们,掠去你们的子女,并使瘟疫和血案在你境内盛行,还有刀兵来打击你:这是我上主说的。」 17And I will send in upon you famine, and evil beasts unto utter destruction: and pestilence, and blood shall pass through thee, and I will bring in the sword upon thee. I the Lord have spoken it.
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