希伯来书:Chapter 7


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希伯来书 Hebrews
1原来这默基瑟德是撒冷王,是至高者天主的司祭;当亚巴郎打败众王回来时,他来迎接,且祝福了他。 1For this Melchisedech was king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him:
2亚巴郎就由所有的一切之中,拿出十分之一分给了他;他的名字默基瑟德,第一可称作「正义之王」,他也可称作「撒冷之王」,就是「和平之王」之意。 2To whom also Abraham divided the tithes of all: who first indeed by interpretation, is king of justice: and then also king of Salem, that is, king of peace:
3他无父,无母,无族谱,生无始,寿无终:他好像天主子,永久身为司祭。 3Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but likened unto the Son of God, continueth a priest for ever.
4你们要想想:这人是多么伟大,连圣祖亚巴郎也由上等的战利品中,取了十分之一献给了他! 4Now consider how great this man is, to whom also Abraham the patriarch gave tithes out of the principal things.
5那些由肋未子孙中领受司祭职的,固然有命向人民,按法律征收什一之物,即向他们的弟兄,虽然都是出自亚巴郎的腰中; 5And indeed they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the priesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law, that is to say, of their brethren: though they themselves also came out of the loins of Abraham.
6可是不属于他们世系的那一位,却收了亚巴郎的什一之物,并祝福了那蒙受恩许的。 6But he, whose pedigree is not numbered among them, received tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promises.
7从来,在下的受在上的祝福,这是无人可反对的。 7And without all contradiction, that which is less, is blessed by the better.
8在这里那些领受什一之物的,是有死的人;但在那里领受什一之物的,却是一位证明了常活着的人。 8And here indeed, men that die, receive thithes: but there he hath witness, that he liveth.
9并且可说:连那领受什一之物的肋未,也藉着亚巴郎交纳了什一之物, 9And (as it may be said) even Levi who received tithes, paid tithes in Abraham:
10因为当默基瑟德迎接亚巴郎的时候,肋未还在祖先的腰中。 10For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedech met him.
11那么,如果藉着肋未司祭职能有成全──因为选民就是本着这司祭职接受了法律──为什么还需要兴起另一位,按照默基瑟德品位的司祭,而不称为按照亚郎的品位呢? 11If then perfection was by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise according to the order of Melchisedech, and not be called according to the order of Aaron?
12如今司祭职一变更,法律也必然变更, 12For the priesthood being translated, it is necessary that a translation also be made of the law.
13因为这里所论到的那一位,原是属于另一支派,由这一支派中,没有一个人曾在祭坛前服务过。 13For he, of whom these things are spoken, is of another tribe, of which no one attended on the altar.
14显然我们的主是由犹大支派出生的,关于这一支派,梅瑟从未提到司祭的事。 14For it is evident that our Lord sprung out of Juda: in which tribe Moses spoke nothing concerning priests.
15既然有另一位司祭,是按照默基瑟德的品级兴起的,那么我们所讨论的就更显明了, 15And it is yet far more evident: if according to the similitude of Melchisedech there ariseth another priest,
16因为他之成为司祭,并不是按照血统所规定的法则,而是按照不可消灭的生命的德能, 16Who is made not according to the law of a carnal commandment, but according to the power of an indissoluble life:
17因为有圣经给他作证:「你照默基瑟德的品位永做司祭。」 17For he testifieth: Thou art a priest for ever, according to the order of Melchisedech.
18先前的诫命之废除,是由于它的弱点和无用, 18There is indeed a setting aside of the former commandment, because of the weakness and unprofitableness thereof:
19因为法律本来就不能成就什么;可是如今引进了一个更好的希望,因着这希望,我们才能亲近天主。 19(For the law brought nothing to perfection,) but a bringing in of a better hope, by which we draw nigh to God.
20再者,耶稣成为司祭,是具有天主誓言的,其他的司祭并没有这种誓言就成了司祭。 20And inasmuch as it is not without an oath, (for the others indeed were made priests without an oath;
21耶稣成为司祭,却具有誓言,因为天主向他说:「上主一发了誓,他决不再反悔;你永为司祭。」 21But this with an oath, by him that said unto him: The Lord hath sworn, and he will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever.)
22如此,耶稣就成了更好的盟约的担保人。 22By so much is Jesus made a surety of a better testament.
23再者,肋未人成为司祭的,人数众多,因为死亡阻碍他们长久留任, 23And the others indeed were made many priests, because by reason of death they were not suffered to continue:
24但是耶稣因永远长存,具有不可消逝的司祭品位。 24But this, for that he continueth for ever, hath an everlasting priesthood,
25因此,凡由他而接近天主的人,他全能拯救,因为他常活着,为他们转求。 25Whereby he is able also to save for ever them that come to God by him; always living to make intercession for us.
26这样的大司祭才适合于我们,他是圣善的、无辜的、无玷的、别于罪人的、高于诸天的; 26For it was fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, and made higher than the heavens;
27他无须像那些大司祭一样,每日要先为自己的罪,后为人民的罪祭献牺牲;因为他奉献了自己,只一次而为永远完成了这事, 27Who needeth not daily (as the other priests) to offer sacrifices first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, in offering himself.
28因为法律所立为大司祭的人是有弱点的;可是在法律以后,以誓言所立的圣子,却是成全的,直到永远。 28For the law maketh men priests, who have infirmity: but the word of the oath, which was since the law, the Son who is perfected for evermore.
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