依撒依亚:Chapter 23


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依撒依亚 Isaiah
1有关提洛的神谕:你们哀号罢!塔尔史士的船只!因为你们的堡垒已遭破坏。由基廷地归来的,他们得到了这消息。 1The burden of Tyre. Howl, ye ships of the sea, for the house is destroyed, from whence they were wont to come: from the land of Cethim it is revealed to them.
2海滨的居民,静默罢!漆冬的商贾曾充实了你。 2Be silent, you that dwell in the island: the merchants of Sidon passing over the sea, have filled thee.
3在大水之上运来的,是史曷尔的谷物;尼罗河的收获,是她的财富;她成了万民的商场。 3The seed of the Nile in many waters, the harvest of the river is her revenue: and she is become the mart of the nations.
4漆冬!羞惭罢!因为海说过:【即海中的堡垒说过:】「我没有分娩过,也没有生产过;没有抚养过青年,也没有养育过处女。」 4Be thou ashamed, O Sidon: for the sea speaketh, even the strength of the sea, saying: I have not been in labour, nor have I brought forth, nor have I nourished up young men, nor brought up virgins.
5这风声一传到了埃及,大家都为了提洛的消息而战栗。 5When it shall be heard in Egypt, they will be sorry when they shall hear of Tyre:
6你们过海到塔尔史士去罢!海滨的居民,你们哀号罢! 6Pass over the seas, howl, ye inhabitants of the island.
7这就是你们所夸耀的城吗?她本起源于上古,她的双脚曾将她带至远方寄居。 7Is not this your city, which gloried from of old in her antiquity? her feet shall carry her afar off to sojourn.
8是谁策划了这事,来反对加过冕的提洛?她的商贾本来都是王侯,商贩本来都是地上的显要。 8Who hath taken this counsel against Tyre, that was formerly crowned, whose merchants were princes, and her traders the nobles of the earth?
9是万军的上主策划了这事,为打击她一切自矜的狂傲,侮辱地上所有的显要。 9The Lord of hosts hath designed it, to pull down the pride of all glory, and bring to disgrace all the glorious ones of the earth.
10塔尔史士女儿!耕种你的地罢!海港也不在了! 10Pass thy land as a river, O daughter of the sea, thou hast a girdle no more.
11上主的手已伸在海上,使万国战栗震惊;上主对客纳罕已决定,要摧毁她的要塞。 11He stretched out his hand over the sea, he troubled kingdoms: the Lord hath given a charge against Chanaan, to destroy the strong ones thereof.
12他说过:「漆冬女儿!遭虐待的处女,你不要再欢乐!起来,往基廷去!在那里你也得不到安宁!」 12And he said: Thou shalt glory no more, O virgin daughter of Sidon, who art oppressed: arise and sail over to Cethim, there also thou shalt have no, rest.
13看基廷的地域!【她已不成为民族,亚述已将她委弃予野兽;】人设立了高塔,毁坏了她的宫殿,使她成了一片废墟。 13Behold the land of the Chaldeans, there was not such a people, the Assyrian founded it: they have led away the strong ones thereof into captivity, they have destroyed the houses thereof, they have brought it to ruin.
14塔尔史士的船只!你们哀号罢!因为你们的堡垒已遭破坏! 14Howl, O ye ships of the sea, for your strength is laid waste.
15到那天,提洛将被遗忘七十年之久,有如一位君王的岁月。过了七十年,提洛要像妓女歌曲中所唱的: 15And it shall come to pass in that day that thou, O Tyre, shalt be forgotten, seventy years, according to the days of one king: but after seventy years, there shall be unto Tyre as the song of a harlot.
16「被遗忘的妓女!拿琴游城罢?巧弹多唱罢!好使人再记起你来!」 16Take a harp, go about the city, thou harlot that hast been forgotten: sing well, sing many a song, that thou mayst be remembered.
17过了七十年,上主要眷顾提洛,她要再接受缠头,与地面世上各国交易。 17And it shall come to pass after seventy years, that the Lord will visit Tyre, and will bring her back again to her traffic: and she shall commit fornication again with all the kingdoms of the world upon the face of the earth.
18她的赢利和她的进项将祝圣与上主,必不再贮藏积蓄起来,因为她的赢利将归于那些在上主面前度日的人,使他们吃得饱,穿得体面。 18And her merchandise and her hire shall be sanctified to the Lord: they shall not be kept in store, nor laid up: for her merchandise shall be for them that shall dwell before the Lord, that they may eat unto fulness, and be clothed for a continuance.
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