约伯传:Chapter 16


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约伯传 Job
1约伯回答说: 1Then Job answered, and said:
2像这样的话,我听了许多;你们的安慰反使人烦恼。 2I have often heard such things as these: you are all troublesome comforters.
3这些风凉话何时了?或者有什么事迫你非说不可? 3Shall windy words have no end? or is it any trouble to thee to speak?
4若是你们处在我的境遇中,我也会说像你们所说的话,也会花言巧语讥笑你们,向你们摇头。 4I also could speak like you: and would God your soul were for my soul.
5我也会以口舌宽慰你们,摇唇鼓舌来减轻你们的痛苦。 5I would comfort you also with words, and would wag my head over you.
6我若讲话,痛苦并不停止;我若闭口不言,难道痛苦就离开我? 6I would strengthen you with my mouth, and would move my lips, as sparing you.
7现今天主的确叫我厌倦,使我每个亲人都远离了我; 7But what shall I do? If I speak, my pain will not rest: and if I hold my peace, it will not depart from me.
8使我憔悴,以指证我;使我消瘦,当面非难我。 8But now my sorrow hath oppressed me, and all my limbs are brought to nothing.
9他在愤怒中撕裂我,窘迫我,向我咬牙切齿;我仇人锋利的眼睛常盯着我。 9My wrinkles bear witness against me, and a false speaker riseth up against my face, contradicting me.
10他们张开大口想吞噬我,责骂着打我的面颊,一起拥上前来攻击我。 10He hath gathered together his fury against me, and threatening me he hath gnashed with his teeth upon me: my enemy hath beheld me with terrible eyes.
11天主将我交于不义之人,将我丢在恶人手中。 11They have opened their mouths upon me, and reproaching me they have struck me on the cheek, they are filled with my pains.
12我原来安宁,他却折磨我,抓住我的脖子,粉碎我,又拿我当作他的箭靶。 12God hath shut me up with the unjust man, and hath delivered me into the hands of the wicked.
13他的箭矢四面射击我,射穿我的腰,毫不留情,使我的胆倾流于地。 13I that was formerly so wealthy, am all on a sudden broken to pieces: he hath taken me by my neck, he hath broken me, and hath set me up to be his mark.
14他将我撕裂粉碎,有如武士向我跑来。 14He hath compassed me round about with his lances, he hath wounded my loins, he hath not spared, and hath poured out my bowels on the earth.
15我缝麻衣包裹我的皮肤,使我额角插入尘土。 15He hath torn me with wound upon wound, he hath rushed in upon me like a giant.
16我的脸因哭泣发红,我睫眉间满是暗影; 16I have sowed sackcloth upon my skin, and have covered my flesh with ashes.
17我的手虽没有行过残暴的事,而我的祈祷又往往纯正。 17My face is swollen with weeping, and my eyelids are dim.
18地啊!不要掩盖我的血。愿我的呼声无休息的余地! 18These things have I suffered without the iniquity of my hand, when I offered pure prayers to God.
19看啊!连现今在天上有我的见证,在高处有我的中保。 19O earth, cover not thou my blood, neither let my cry find a hiding place in thee.
20我的哀号上彻于天,在天主前我的双目流泪不止。 20For behold my witness is in heaven, and he that knoweth my conscience is on high.
21惟愿人与天主之间有一中人,犹如人与人之间一样! 21My friends are full of words: my eye poureth out tears to God.
22因为我的年数将尽,快要走上那条一去不返的路途。 22And O that a man might so be judged with God, as the son of man is judged with his companion!
23 23For behold short years pass away and I am walking in a path by which I shall not return.
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