若苏厄书:Chapter 21


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若苏厄书 Joshua
1肋未人各家长来见司祭厄肋阿匝尔和农的儿子若苏厄,以及以色列子民的族长, 1Then the princes of the families of Levi came to Eleazar the priest, and to Josue the son of Nun, and to the princes of the kindreds of all the tribes of the children of Israel:
2在客纳罕地的史罗对他们说:「上主曾藉梅瑟吩咐过,要给我们一些城市居住,一些郊区为牧放我们的牲畜。」 2And they spoke to them in Silo in the land of Chanaan, and said: The Lord commanded by the hand of Moses, that cities should be given us to dwell in, and their suburbs to feed our cattle.
3以色列子民于是按照上主的吩咐,由自己的产业中,将以下的城市和郊区分给了肋未人。肋未人,属大司祭亚郎的子孙, 3And the children of Israel gave out of their possessions according to the commandment of the Lord, cities and their suburbs.
4刻哈特家族由犹大支派、西默盎支派和本雅明支派的地域中,抽得了十三座城。 4And the lot came out for the family of Caath of the children of Aaron the priest out of the tribes of Juda, and of Simeon, and of Benjamin, thirteen cities.
5刻哈特其他子孙,按家族由厄弗辣因支派、丹支派和默纳协半支派,抽得了十座城。 5And to the rest of the children of Caath, that is, to the Levites, who remained, out of the tribes of Ephraim, and of Dan, and the half tribe of Manasses, ten cities.
6革尔雄的子孙,按照家族,由依撒加尔支派、阿协尔支派、纳斐塔里支派和由巴商的默纳协半支派,抽得了十三座城。 6And the lot came out to the children of Gerson, that they should take of the tribes of Issachar and of Aser and of Nephtali, and of the half tribe of Manasses in Basan, thirteen cities.
7默辣黎的子孙,按照家族,由勒乌本支派、加得支派和则步隆支派,抽得了十二座城。 7And to the sons of Merari by their kindreds, of the tribes of Ruben and or Cad and of Zabulon, twelve cities.
8以色列子民按照上主藉梅瑟所吩咐的,将这些城和城郊,以抽签方式分给了肋未人。 8And the children of Israel gave to the Levites the cities and their suburbs, as the Lord commanded by the hand of Moses, giving to every one by lot.
9由犹大支派和西默盎支派,分给了他们下列各城: 9Of the tribes of the children of Juda and of Simeon Josue gave cities: whose names are these,
10肋未人,亚郎的子孙,刻哈特家族应抽第一签。 10To the sons of Aaron, of the families of Caath of the race of Levi (for the first lot came out for them)
11他们分得了犹大山区克黎雅特阿尔巴和四周城郊──阿尔巴原是阿纳克的祖先,克黎雅特阿尔巴,即是赫贝龙── 11The city of Arbe the father of Enac, which is called Hebron, in the mountain of Juda, and the suburbs thereof round about.
12但已割给耶孚乃的儿子加肋布作产业的田地和村庄却不在内。 12But the fields and the villages thereof he had given to Caleb the son of Jephone for his possession.
13司祭亚郎的子孙分得了给误杀人者作避难城的赫贝龙和城郊,里贝纳和城郊; 13He gave therefore to the children of Aaron the priest, Hebron a city of refuge, and the suburbs thereof: and Lobna with the suburbs thereof,
14此外尚有雅提尔和城郊,厄市特摩和城郊, 14And Jether and Estemo,
15曷隆和城郊,德彼尔和城郊, 15And Holon, and Dabir,
16阿商和城郊,犹他和城郊,贝特舍默士和城郊,由这两支派共分得了九座城。 16And Ain, and Jeta, and Bethsames, with their suburbs: nine cities out of the two tribes, as hath been said.
17由本雅明支派,尚分得了基贝红和城郊,革巴和城郊, 17And out of the tribe of the children of Benjamin, Gabaon, and Gabae,
18阿纳托特和城郊,阿耳孟和城郊:共计四座城。 18And Anathoth and Almon, with their suburbs: four cities.
19亚郎的子孙司祭们共分得了十三座城和所属城郊。 19All the cities together of the children of Aaron the priest, were thirteen, with their suburbs.
20肋未人刻哈特家族,即刻哈特其余的子孙,由厄弗辣因支派抽得了一些城市。 20And to the rest of the families of the children of Caath of the race of Levi was given this possession.
21他们分得了厄弗辣因山区,给误杀人者作避难城的舍根和城郊,革则尔和城郊, 21Of the tribe of Ephraim, Sichem one of the cities of refuge, with the suburbs thereof in mount Ephraim, and Cater,
22克贝匝殷和城郊,贝特曷龙和城郊:共计四座城; 22And Cibsaim, and Beth-horon, with their suburbs, four cities.
23由丹支派分得了厄耳特刻和城郊,基贝通和城郊, 23And of the tribe of Dan, Eltheco and Gabathon,
24阿雅隆和城郊,加特黎孟和城郊:共计四座城; 24And Aialon and Gethremmon, with their suburbs, four cities.
25由默纳协半支派分得了塔纳客和城郊,依贝耳罕和城郊:共计两座城。 25And of the half tribe of Manasses, Thanac and Gethremmon, with their suburbs, two cities.
26刻哈特家族其余的子孙,共分得了十座城和所属城郊。 26All the cities were ten, with their suburbs, which were given to the children of Caath, of the inferior degree.
27肋未家族的革尔雄子孙,由默纳协半支派,分得了在巴商给误杀人者作避难城的哥蓝和城郊,阿市塔洛特和城郊:共计两座城; 27To the children of Gerson also of the race of Levi out of the half tribe of Manasses, Gaulon in Basan, one of the cities of refuge, and Bosra, with their suburbs, two cities.
28由依撒加尔支派,分得了克史雍和城郊,多贝辣特和城郊, 28And of the tribe of Issachar, Cesion, and Dabereth,
29雅尔慕特和城郊,恩加宁和城郊:共计四座城; 29And Jaramoth, and Engannim, with their suburbs, four cities.
30由阿协尔支派分得了米沙耳和城郊,阿贝冬和城郊, 30And of the tribe of Aser, Masal and Abdon,
31赫耳卡特和城郊,勒曷布和城郊:共计四座城; 31And Helcath, and Rohob, with their suburbs, four cities.
32由纳斐塔里支派,分得了在加里肋亚给误杀人者作避难城的刻德士和城郊,哈摩特多尔和城郊,卡尔堂和城郊:共计三座城。 32Of the tribe also of Nephtali, Cedes in Galilee, one of the cities of refuge: and Hammoth Dor, and Carthan, with their suburbs, three cities.
33革尔雄人按照家族,共分得了十三座城和所属城郊。 33All the cities of the families of Gerson, were thirteen, with their suburbs.
34其余的肋未人,即默辣黎子孙的家族,由则步隆支派分得了约刻乃罕和城郊,卡尔达和城郊, 34And to the children of Merari, Levites of the inferior degree, by their families were given of the tribe of Zabulon, Jecnam and Cartha,
35黎孟和城郊,纳哈拉耳和城郊:共计四座城; 35And Damna and Naalol, four cities with their suburbs;
36在约但河东,由勒乌本支派分得了位于旷野高原内,给误杀人者作避难城的贝责尔和城郊,雅哈兹和城郊, 36Of the tribe of Ruben beyond the Jordan over against Jericho, Bosor in the wilderness, one of the cities of refuge, Miser and Jaser and Jethson and Mephaath, four cities with their suburbs.
37刻德摩特和城郊,默法阿特和城郊:共计四座城; 37Of the tribe of Gad, Ramoth in Galaad, one of the cities of refuge, and Manaim and Hesebon and Jaser, four cities with their suburbs.
38由加得支派,分得了在基肋阿得给误杀人者作避难城的辣摩特和城郊,玛哈纳因和城郊, 38All the cities of the children of Merari by their families and kindreds, were twelve.
39赫市朋和城郊,雅则尔和城郊:共计四座城。 39So all the cities of the Levites within the possession of the children of Israel were forty-eight,
40其余的肋未人家族,即默辣黎的子孙,按照家族,共抽得了十二座城。 40With their suburbs, each distributed by the families.
41肋未人由以色列子民的产业中,共分得了四十八座城和所属城郊。 41And the Lord God gave to Israel all the land that he had sworn to give to their fathers: and they possessed it and dwelt in it.
42这些城包括全城和城四郊;每座城都是这样。 42And he gave them peace from all nations round about: and none of their enemies durst stand against them, but were brought under their dominion.
43上主这样将誓许给他们祖先的整个地区,赐给了以色列人;他们占领之后,便住在那里。 43Not so much as one word, which he had promised to perform unto them, was made void, but all came to pass.
44上主又使他们四境安宁,全如他向他们的祖先所誓许的;他们的一切仇敌,没有能对抗他们的,因为上主将他们所有的仇敌,都交在他们手中了。 44
45上主向以色列家应许赐福的话,没有一句落空,全部应验了。 45
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