民长纪:Chapter 19


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民长纪 Judges
1当以色列尚没有君王时,有一个肋未人寄居在厄弗辣因山地边境;他由犹大白冷娶了一个女子为妾。 1There was a certain Levite, who dwelt on the side of mount Ephraim, who took a wife of Bethlehem Juda:
2那妾对他发怒,就离开他回了犹大白冷的父家,在那里住了四个月。 2And she left him and returned to her father's house in Bethlehem, and abode with him four months.
3她的丈夫起来,带着一个仆人,牵了两匹驴去找她,想去慰问她,劝她回来;当他来到那女子的父家时,那少女的父亲一望见他,就喜喜欢欢地来迎接他。 3And her husband followed her, willing to be reconciled with her, and to speak kindly to her, and to bring her back with him, having with him a servant and two asses: and she received him, and brought him into her father's house. And when his father in law had heard this, and had seen him, he met him with joy,
4他的岳父,即那少女的父亲,留他在家里住了三日,他们在那里一齐吃喝居住。 4And embraced the man. And the son in law tarried in the house of his father in law three days, eating with him and drinking familiarly.
5第四天他们一早起来,肋未人起身要走,那少女的父亲就对女婿说:「你们先用些饼,吃点点心,然后再走。」 5But on the fourth day arising early in the morning he desired to depart. But his father in law kept him, and said to him: Taste first a little bread, and strengthen thy stomach, and so thou shalt depart.
6于是他们二人坐下一起吃喝;少女的父亲对那人说:「请你赏面,再住一夜,再高兴高兴!」 6And they sat down together, and ate and drank. And the father of the young woman said to his son in law: I beseech thee to stay here today, and let us make merry together.
7那人起身要走,但他的岳父挽留了他,他又在那里过了一夜。 7But he rising up began to be for departing. And nevertheless his father in law earnestly pressed him, and made him stay with him.
8第五天他一早起来要走,但那少女的父亲又说:「请先吃些点心!」于是二人又一同吃东西,直到日已西斜, 8But when morning was come, the Levite prepared to go on his journey. And his father in law said to him again: I beseech thee to take a little meat, and strengthening thyself, till the day be farther advanced, afterwards thou mayest depart. And they ate together.
9那人和他的妾连他的仆人起身要走,他的岳父,即那少女的父亲,对他说:「你看,天已晚了,今天在这里再过一夜,再高兴高兴,明天清早起来,上路回家去罢!」 9And the young man arose to set forward with his wife and servant. And his father in law spoke to him again: Consider that the day is declining, and draweth toward evening: tarry with me today also, and spend the day in mirth, and tomorrow thou shalt depart, that thou mayest go into thy house.
10但是,那人不愿再过一夜,就带着他的妾和仆人,以及备好的两匹驴起身走了,来到耶步斯,即耶路撒冷的对面。 10His son in law would not consent to his words: but forthwith went forward and came over against Jebus, which by another name is called Jerusalem, leading with him two asses laden, and his concubine.
11当他们临近耶步斯时,日已西垂,仆人就对主人说:「来,让我们转去,到这座耶步斯人城里去投宿!」 11And now they were come near Jebus, and the day was far spent: and the servant said to his master: Come, I beseech thee, let us turn into the city of the Jebusites, and lodge there.
12主人回答他说:「我们不可进入这座不属以色列子民的外方人的城,我们往基贝亚去罢! 12His master answered him: I will not go into the town of another nation, who are not of the children of Israel, but I will pass over to Gabaa:
13他又对仆人说:「来!我们到一个地方去投宿,或在基贝亚,或在辣玛。」 13And when I shall come thither, we will lodge there, or at least in the city of Rama.
14于是他们又上路前行,当来近本雅明的基贝亚时,太阳已经落了。 14So they passed by Jebus, and went on their journey, and the sun went down upon them when they were by Gabaa, which is in the tribe of Benjamin:
15他们遂进了基贝亚,在那里投宿;他们进城后,就坐在城内街市上,因为没有人收留他们在家中过宿。 15And they turned into it, to lodge there. And when they were come in, they sat in the street of the city, for no man would receive them to lodge.
16有一个老人晚上由田间工作回来,他原是厄弗辣因山地的人,寄居在基贝亚;本地人却是本雅明人。 16And behold they saw an old man, returning out of the field and from his work in the evening, and he also was of mount Ephraim, and dwelt as a stranger in Gabaa; but the men of that country were the children of Jemini.
17那老人举目,看见在城中街市上有个过路的人,就问说:「你往那里去?从那里来?」 17And the old man lifting up his eyes, saw the man sitting with his bundles in the street of the city, and said to him: Whence comest thou? and whither goest thou?
18肋未人回答他说:「我们是从犹大白冷来,往厄弗辣因山地的边境去。我本是那地方的人,我去过犹大白冷,现在要回家去,但没有人收留我到自己家里去。 18He answered him: We came out from Bethlehem Juda, and we are going to our home, which is on the side of mount Ephraim, from whence we went to Bethlehem: and now we go to the house of God, and none will receive us under his roof:
19其实我有粮草喂驴,为我和你的婢女以及跟随你仆人的这个青年人,都有食粮和酒,一无所缺。」 19We have straw and hay for provender of the asses, and bread and wine for the use of myself and of thy handmaid, and of the servant that is with me: we want nothing but lodging.
20那老人对他说:「你放心罢!你所需要的都由我供给,只不可在街上过夜。」 20And the old man answered him: Peace be with thee: I will furnish all things that are necessary: only I beseech thee, stay not in the street.
21他遂领他到自己家里,喂上驴,他们洗了脚,以后就吃喝起来。 21And he brought him into his house, and gave provender to his asses: and after they had washed their feet, he entertained them with a feast.
22他们正满怀高兴的时候,看,本城的一些无赖之徒,围住房屋敲门,对作家主的老人说:「把刚才到你家的那个人领出来,我们要认识他。」 22While they were making merry, and refreshing their bodies with meat and drink, after the labour of the journey, the men of that city, sons of Belial, (that is, without yoke,) came and beset the old man's house, and began to knock at the door, calling to the master of the house, and saying: Bring forth the man that came into thy house, that we may abuse him.
23家主出来见他们,对他们说:「兄弟们,不要如此!请你不要行这样的恶事!这人既进了我的家,你们决不能行这丑事! 23And the old man went out to them, and said: Do not so, my brethren, do not so wickedly: because this man is come into my lodging, and cease I pray you from this folly.
24这里有我的女儿还是处女,我领她出来,你们可任意污辱她,任凭你们待她;但是对于这人,你们决不可作这种丑事!」 24I have a maiden daughter, and this man hath a concubine, I will bring them out to you, and you may humble them, and satisfy your lust: only, I beseech you, commit not this crime against nature on the man.
25但是那些人不愿听他;客人就抓住自己的妾,把她交给了他们,他们就认识了她,整夜污辱她,直到早晨,在破晓的时候才放了她。 25They would not be satisfied with his words; which the man seeing, brought out his concubine to them, and abandoned her to their wickedness: and when they had abused her all the night, they let her go in the morning.
26天快亮的时候,那女子回到留她主人住宿的那人屋前,跌倒在那里,直到天亮。 26But the woman, at the dawning of the day, came to the door of the house where her lord lodged, and there fell down.
27早晨,当她的主人起来开门,出去要动身起程时,看见那女人,即他的妾,伏在门口,她的手扶在门限上, 27And in the morning the man arose, and opened the door that he might end the journey he had begun: and behold his concubine lay before the door with her hands spread on the threshold.
28就对她说:「起来!我们走罢!」然而没有人回答他;那人便把她驮在驴上,起身回了本地。 28He thinking she was taking her rest, said to her: Arise, and let us be going. But as she made no answer, perceiving she was dead, he took her up, and laid her upon his ass, and returned to his house.
29到了家里,拿起刀来,握住自己的妾,把她的肢体切成十二块,送到以色列全境, 29And when he was come home he took a sword, and divided the dead body of his wife with her bones into twelve parts, and sent the pieces into all the borders of Israel.
30吩咐他所派遣的人说:「你们要对以色列人这样说:自从以色列子民由埃及地上来那一日,直到今日,是否发生过这样的事?大家想一想,决定之后,请说出来。」凡看见的都说:「自从以色列子民由埃及地上来那一日,直到今日,从未发生过,也未见过这样的事。」 30And when every one had seen this, they all cried out: There was never such a thing done in Israel from the day that our fathers came up out of Egypt, until this day: give sentence, and decree in common what ought to be done.
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