友弟德传:Chapter 11


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友弟德传 Judith
1敖罗斐乃向她说:「女人,放心,不要害怕,因为凡愿意服侍全世界之王拿步高的,我没有加害过。 1Then Holofernes said to her: Be of good comfort, and fear not in thy heart: for I have never hurt a man that was willing to serve Nabuchodonosor the king.
2现在,你那住在山地的人民,若没有轻视我,我也不会举起我的戈矛攻击他们,这是他们自作自受。 2And if thy people had not despised me, I would never have lifted up my spear against them.
3现在,你告诉我,为什么你逃开他们,来到这里?你来若是为救你自己,你可放心!今夜以及将来,你必获得生存! 3But now tell me, for what cause hast thou left them, and why it hath pleased thee to come to us?
4因为没有人加害你,反要优待你,如同优待我主拿步高王的臣仆一样。」 4And Judith said to him: Receive the words of thy handmaid, for if thou wilt follow the words of thy handmaid, the Lord will do with thee a perfect thing.
5友弟德回答说:「愿你听取你奴婢的话,恩准你婢女在你面前说话。我今夜决不向我主说一句谎话。 5For as Nabuchodonosor the king of the earth liveth, and his power liveth which is in thee for chastising of all straying souls: not only men serve him through thee, but also the beasts of the field obey him.
6你若顺从了你婢女的话,天主必藉着你顺利完成你的事业;我主的计划,必不至于失败。 6For the industry of thy mind is spoken of among all nations, and it is told through the whole world, that thou only art excellent, and mighty in all his kingdom, and thy discipline is cried up in all provinces.
7全世界之王拿步高万岁!他的德能万岁!他打发你来,是为谋众生的福利,你不但叫人都服侍他,也叫野兽、家畜和空中的飞鸟,都藉着你的威权,因服侍拿步高及他的全家而生存。 7It is known also what Achior said, nor are we ignorant of what thou hast commanded to be done to him.
8我们早听说你的智慧和雄才大略,全世界都知道你是举世无双,能干多谋,战略如神的人。 8For it is certain that our God is so offended with sins, that he hath sent word by his prophets to the people, that he will deliver them up for their sins.
9阿希约尔在你会议席上说的话,我们已听到了,因为拜突里雅人救了他,他就将自己在你面前说的话,都告诉了我们。 9And because the children of Israel know they have offended their God, thy dread is upon them.
10所以主帅,不要忽视他的话,反应把那些话记在心里,因为都是真情实话:除非我们的民族犯罪得罪了自己的天主,是不会受罚的,刀剑也无能为力。 10Moreover also a famine hath come upon them, and for drought of water they are already to be counted among the dead.
11但几时行了越轨的事,就激起自己天主发怒;现在可巧,他们又犯了罪,丧亡必要临头,所以我主不致谋事不成,出师不利。 11And they have a design even to kill their cattle, and to drink the blood of them.
12自从他们缺少食粮,饮水不敷以来,就决意要宰杀牲畜。凡天主用法律禁止吃的一切,他们也决定要吃, 12And the consecrated things of the Lord their God which God forbade them to touch, in corn, wine, and oil, these have they purposed to make use of, and they design to consume the things which they ought not to touch with their hands: therefore because they do these things, it is certain they will be given up to destruction.
13连那些祝圣过的,为给在耶路撒冷于我们天主面前供职的司祭所保留下的初熟麦子,和十分之一的酒油,也决意要动用。这些东西,平民连手触摸,也是不许的。 13And I thy handmaid knowing this, am fled from them, and the Lord hath sent me to tell thee these very things.
14他们已打发使者到耶路撒冷去,──因为那里的居民也作了同样的事──要他们向长老院要求豁免。 14For I thy handmaid worship God even now that I am with thee, and thy handmaid will go out, and I will pray to God,
15他们一得到答复,就必实行:就在同一天内,他们必落在你手里,而沦于灭亡。 15And he will tell me when he will repay them for their sins, and I will come and tell thee, so that I may bring thee through the midst of Jerusalem, and thou shalt have all the people of Israel, as sheep that have no shepherd, and there shall not so much as one dog bark against thee:
16因此,你的婢女,我一知道这一切,就暗暗离开了他们。天主打发我来,好与你完成这件全世界一听到,无不惊奇的事。 16Because these things are told me by the providence of God.
17你的婢女原是敬畏天主的人,日夜都要服侍天上的大主。我主!如今我愿住在你这里,但是夜间,你的婢女却要出去,到山谷中去祈求天主。几时他们做出了犯罪的事,他必会告诉我; 17And because God is angry with them, I am sent to tell these very things to thee.
18然后我来通知你,你便率领大军出发,他们没有一个敢抵抗你的。 18And all these words pleased Holofernes, and his servants, and they admired her wisdom, and they said one to another:
19那时,我要领你取道犹太,直取耶路撒冷,在那里建立你的宝座;你率领他们如无牧之羊,连狗也不敢向你张口吠叫。这些事,我已先知,早已说给我,通知我了。故此受命前来,转告给你。」 19There is not such another woman upon earth in look, in beauty, and in sense of words.
20她的话,使敖罗斐乃和他的众仆从很是喜悦,都惊讶她的智慧说: 20And Holofernes said to her: God hath done well who sent thee before the people, that thou mightest give them into our hands:
21「大地两极间,再没有一个容貌如此美丽,出言如此明智的女人!」 21And because thy promise is good, if thy God shall do this for me, he shall also be my God, and thou shalt be great in the house of Nabuchodonosor, and thy name shall be renowned through all the earth.
22敖罗斐乃对她说:「天主在这个民族以先打发你来,使胜利属于我军,使灭亡归于轻视我主的人,实在做得好! 22
23现在,你的容貌既如此美丽,说话又如此中肯,如果你按照你所说的去行,那么你的天主将是我的天主,你将住在拿步高王的宫殿里,成为全世界上出名的人物。」 23
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