厄斯德拉下:Chapter 10


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厄斯德拉下 Nehemiah
1鉴于这一切,我们立了盟约,也写了出来;我们的族长、我们的肋未人和司祭,也在上面盖了印。 1And the subscribers were Nehemias, Athersatha the son of Hachelai, and Sedecias,
2在上面盖印的,先是哈加里雅的儿子乃赫米雅省长,后为漆德克雅、 2Saraias, Azarias, Jeremias,
3色辣雅、阿匝黎雅、耶勒米雅、 3Pheshur, Amarias, Melchias,
4帕市胡尔、阿玛黎雅、玛耳基雅、 4Hattus, Sebenia, Melluch,
5哈突士、舍巴尼雅、玛路客、 5Harem, Merimuth, Obdias,
6哈陵、默勒摩特、敖巴狄雅、 6Daniel, Genthon, Baruch,
7达尼耳、金乃通、巴鲁客、 7Mosollam, Abia, Miamin,
8默叔蓝、阿彼雅、米雅明、 8Maazia, Belgia, Semeia: these were priests.
9玛阿齐雅、彼耳盖、舍玛雅:以上都是司祭。 9And the Levites, Josue the son of Azanias, Bennui of the sons of Henadad. Cedmihel,
10以下是肋未人:阿匝尼雅的儿子耶叔亚、彼奴依,赫纳达得的子孙卡德米耳, 10And their brethren, Sebenia, Oduia, Celita, Phalaia, Hanan,
11和他们的族人:舍巴尼雅、曷狄雅、刻里达、培拉雅、哈南、 11Micha, Rohob, Hasebia,
12米加、勒曷布、哈沙彼雅、 12Zachur, Serebia, Sabania,
13匝雇尔、舍勒彼雅、舍巴尼雅、 13Odaia, Bani, Baninu.
14曷狄雅、巴尼、贝尼奴。 14The heads of the people, Pharos, Phahath Moab, Elam, Zethu, Bani,
15民众的首领:帕洛士、帕哈特摩阿布、厄蓝、匝突、巴尼、 15Bonni, Azgad, Bebai,
16步尼、阿次加得、贝拜、 16Adonia, Begoai, Adin,
17阿多尼雅、彼革外、阿丁、 17Ater, Hezecia, Azur,
18阿特尔、希则克雅、阿组尔、 18Odaia, Hasum, Besai,
19曷狄雅、哈雄、贝宰、 19Hareph, Anathoth, Nebai,
20哈黎布、阿纳托特、乃拜、 20Megphias, Mosollam, Hazir,
21玛革丕阿士、默叔蓝、赫齐尔、 21Mesizabel, Sadoc, Jeddua,
22默舍匝贝耳、匝多克、雅杜亚、 22Pheltia, Hanan, Anaia,
23培拉提雅、哈南、阿纳雅、 23Osee, Hanania, Hasub,
24曷舍雅、哈纳尼雅、哈叔布、 24Alohes, Phalea, Sobec,
25哈罗赫士、丕耳哈、芍贝克、 25Rehum, Hasebna, Maasia,
26勒洪、哈沙贝纳、玛阿色雅、 26Echaia, Hanan, Anan,
27阿希雅、哈南、阿南、 27Melluch, Haran, Baana:
28玛路客、哈陵、巴阿纳。 28And the rest of the people, priests, Levites, porters, and singing men, Nathinites, and all that had separated themselves from the people of the lands to the law of God, their wives, their sons, and their daughters.
29其余的民众、司祭、肋未人、门丁、歌咏者、献身者、和所有脱离各地人民而来归奉天主法律的人,连同他们的妻子儿女,及凡有知识能懂事的人, 29All that could understand promising for their brethren, with their chief men, and they came to promise, and swear that they would walk in the law of God, which he gave in the hand of Moses the servant of God, that they would do and keep all the commandments of the Lord our God, and his judgments and his ceremonies.
30都支持他们为首领的同胞,起咒宣誓,必按天主的法律去行,就是遵行天主的仆人梅瑟所颁布的法律,并遵守履行上主我们的天主的一切命令、规矩和制度; 30And that we would not give our daughters to the people of the land, not take their daughters for our sons.
31决不将我们的女儿嫁给外方人民,也不为我们的儿子娶他们的女儿。 31And if the people of the land bring in things to sell, or any things for use, to sell them on the sabbath day, that we would not buy them of them on the sabbath, or on the holy day. And that we would leave the seventh year, and the exaction of every hand.
32外方人民若是在安息日,运货物或各种食粮来贩卖,我们在安息日或圣日,决不向他们购买什么;每七年停止耕种,豁免一切债务。 32And we made ordinances for ourselves, to give the third part of a side every year for the work of the house of our God,
33我们又为自己定下规矩,每年要缴纳三分之一「协刻耳」,作为我们天主殿中祭祀之用: 33For the leaves of proposition, and for the continual sacrifice, and for a continual holocaust on the sabbaths, on the new moons, on the set feasts, and for the holy things, and for the sin offering: that atonement might be made for Israel, and for every use of the house of our God.
34备办供饼、恒常祭品、恒常全燔祭品,安息日、月朔和庆节应献的祭品和各种祭物,为以色列赎罪的赎罪祭品,以及我们天主殿内的一切工作费用。 34And we cast lots among the priests, and the Levites, and the people for the offering of wood, that it might be brought into the house of our God by the houses of our fathers at set times, from year to year: to burn upon the altar of the Lord our God, as it is written in the law of Moses:
35我们,司祭、肋未人和人民,拈阄规定,按照家族,每年照一定的时间,为我们天主的圣殿献纳木柴,放在上主我们的天主的祭坛上燃烧,如法律上所记载的; 35And that we would bring the first fruits of our land, and the firstfruits of all fruit of every tree, from year to year, in the house of our Lord.
36又当把田地的初熟之物,以及各种树木的初熟鲜果,每年献于上主圣殿; 36And the firstborn of our sons, and of our cattle, as it is written in the law, and the firstlings of our oxen, and of our sheep, to be offered in the house of our God, to the priests who minister in the house of our God.
37按照法律所载,将我们的儿子和家畜中的首生者,以及我们牛羊中的首生者,献于我们天主的圣殿,交给在我们天主殿内奉职的司祭; 37And that we would bring the firstfruits of our meats, and of our libations, and the fruit of every tree, of the vintage also and of oil to the priests, to the storehouse of our God, and the tithes of our ground to the Levites. The Levites also shall receive the tithes of our works out of all the cities.
38把我们初熟的粗面饼、祭品、各种树木的果实、新酒和油,交给司祭,送到我天主圣殿的廊房里;将我们田地出产的十分之一,送给肋未人,肋未人应亲自在各城镇,征收我们劳作的十分之一。 38And the priest the son of Aaron shall be with the Levites in the tithes of the Levites, and the Levites shall offer the tithe of their tithes in the house of our God, to the storeroom into the treasure house.
39当肋未人征收十分之一时,亚郎子孙中的一个司祭,应与肋未人在一起;肋未人应将所得什一中的十分之一,献于我们天主的圣殿,交入圣殿廊房的宝库, 39For the children of Israel and the children of Levi shall carry to the treasury the firstfruits of corn, of wine, and of oil: and the sanctified vessels shall be there, and the priests, and the singing men, and the porters, and ministers, and we will not forsake the house of our God.
40因为以色列子民和肋未的子孙,应把所献的五谷、酒和油,送到廊房内,圣所的器具存在那里,奉职的司祭,守门者和歌咏者也住在那里,对我们天主的圣殿,再也不敢怠慢。 40
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