户籍纪:Chapter 2


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户籍纪 Numbers
1上主训示梅瑟和亚郎说: 1And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:
2「以色列子民每人应随自己的旗帜,在自己宗族的标志下扎营,都向着会幕,在四周稍远的地方扎营。 2All the children of Israel shall camp by their troops, ensigns, and standards, and the houses of their kindreds, round about the tabernacle of the covenant.
3在前面,即东方,是犹大军团扎营的旗帜:犹大子孙的首领是阿米纳达布的儿子纳赫雄; 3On the east Juda shall pitch his tents by the bands of his army: and the prince of his sons shall be Nahasson the son of Aminadab.
4他的部队登记的,是七万四千六百。 4And the whole sum of the fighting men of his stock, were seventy-four thousand six hundred.
5在其傍扎营的是依撒加尔支派;依撒加尔子孙的首领是族阿尔的儿子乃塔乃耳; 5Next unto him they of the tribe of Issachar encamped, whose prince was Nathanael, the son of Suar.
6他的部队登记的,是五万四千四百。 6And the whole number of his fighting men were fifty-four thousand four hundred.
7随后是则步隆支派;则步隆子孙的首领是赫隆的儿子厄里雅布; 7In the tribe of Zabulon the prince was Eliab the son of Helon.
8他的部队登记的,是五万七千四百。 8And all the army of fighting men of his stock, were fifty-seven thousand four hundred.
9犹大军团登记的,共计十八万六千四百;他们应首先出发。 9All that were numbered in the camp of Juda, were a hundred and eighty-six thousand four hundred: and they by their troops shall march first.
10南方是勒乌本军团扎营的旗帜:勒乌本子孙的首领是舍德乌尔的儿子厄里族尔; 10In the camp of the sons of Ruben, on the south side, the prince shall be Elisur the son of Sedeur:
11他的部队登记的,是四万六千五百。 11And the whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were forty-six thousand five hundred.
12在其傍扎营的,是西默盎支派;西默盎子孙的首领是族黎沙待的儿子舍路米耳; 12Beside him camped they of the tribe of Simeon: whose prince was Salamiel the son of Surisaddai.
13他的部队登记的,是五万九千三百。 13And the whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were fifty-nine thousand three hundred.
14随后是加得支派;加得子孙的首领是勒乌耳的儿子厄肋雅撒夫; 14In the tribe of Gad the prince was Eliasaph the son of Duel.
15他的部队登记的,是四万五千六百五十。 15And the whole army of his fighting men that were numbered, were forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty.
16勒乌本军团登记的,共计十五万一千四百五十;他们其次出发。 16All that were reckoned up in the camp of Ruben, were a hundred and fifty-one thousand four hundred and fifty, by their troops: they shall march in the second place.
17随后,会幕与肋未营在各营中心启程前行;各营怎样扎营,就怎样出发前行,各依自己的位置,各随自己的旗帜。 17And the tabernacle of the testimony shall be carried by the officers of the Levites and their troops. As it shall be set up, so shall it be taken down. Every one shall march according to their places, and ranks.
18西方是厄弗辣因军团扎营的旗帜:厄弗辣因子孙的首领是阿米胡得的儿子厄里沙玛; 18On the west side shall be the camp of the sons of Ephraim, whose prince was Elisama, the son of Ammiud.
19他的部队登记的,是四万五百。 19The whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were forty thousand five hundred.
20在其傍是默纳协支派;默纳协子孙的首领是培达族尔的儿子加默里耳; 20And with them the tribe of the sons of Manasses, whose prince was Gamaliel the son of Phadassur.
21他的部队登记的,是三万二千二百。 21And the whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were thirty-two thousand two hundred.
22随后是本雅明支派;本雅明子孙的首领是基德敖尼的儿子阿彼丹; 22In the tribe of the sons of Benjamin the prince was Abidan the son of Gedeon.
23他的部队登记的,是三万五千四百。 23And the whole army of his fighting men, that were reckoned up, were thirty-five thousand four hundred.
24厄弗辣因军团登记的,共计十万八千一百;他们作第三队出发。 24All that were numbered in the camp of Ephraim, were a hundred and eight thousand one hundred by their troops: they shall march in the third place.
25北方是丹军团扎营的旗帜:丹子孙的首领是阿米沙待的儿子阿希厄则尔; 25On the north side camped the sons of Dan: whose prince was Ahiezar the son of Ammisaddai.
26他的部队登记的,是六万二千七百。 26The whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were sixty-two thousand seven hundred.
27在其傍扎营的是阿协尔支派;阿协尔子孙的首领是敖革兰的儿子帕革厄耳; 27Beside him they of the tribe of Aser pitched their tents: whose prince was Phegiel the son of Ochran.
28他的部队登记的,是四万一千五百。 28The whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were forty-one thousand five hundred.
29随后是纳斐塔里支派;纳斐塔里子孙的首领是厄南的儿子阿希辣; 29Of the tribe of the sons of Nephtali the prince was Ahira the son of Enan.
30他的部队登记的,是五万三千四百。 30The whole army of his fighting men, were fifty-three thousand four hundred.
31丹军团登记的,共计十五万七千六百;他们随着自己的旗帜,最后出发。」 31All that were numbered in the camp of Dan, were a hundred and fifty-seven thousand six hundred: and they shall march last.
32这就是以色列子民依照家系登记的数目;各营的部队登记的总数,共六十万三千五百五十。 32This is the number of the children of Israel, of their army divided according to the houses of their kindreds and their troops, six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty.
33照上主对梅瑟所吩咐的,肋未人没有在以色列子民中登记。 33And the Levites were not numbered among the children of Israel: for so the Lord had commanded Moses.
34以色列子民全照上主吩咐梅瑟的做了,都随着自己的旗帜扎营,各随宗族和家系出发进行。 34And the children of Israel did according to all things that the Lord had commanded. They camped by their troops, and marched by the families and houses of their fathers.
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