箴言:Chapter 26


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箴言 Proverbs
1有如夏日下雪,秋收降雨,不合时令;同样,愚昧的人获得光荣,亦不适宜。 1As snow in summer, and rain in harvest, so glory is not seemly for a fool.
2有如麻雀逃走,燕子飞去:无端的咒骂,也一去无踪。 2As a bird flying to other places, and a sparrow going here or there: so a curse uttered without cause shall come upon a man.
3马需要皮鞭,驴需要辔头,愚昧人的脊背需要棍棒。 3A whip for a horse, and a snaffle for an ass, and a rod for the back of fools.
4回答愚昧人,別照样愚昧,免得你也像他一样; 4Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou be made like him.
5回答愚昧人,有时应愚昧,免得他自以为聪明。 5Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he imagine himself to be wise.
6派遣愚昧人,去作传话者,是自断己足,是自寻苦恼。 6He that sendeth words by a foolish messenger, is lame of feet and drinketh iniquity.
7犹如跛子的脚虚悬无力,箴言在愚人口中也是如此。 7As a lame man hath fair legs in vain: so a parable is unseemly in the mouth of fools.
8将光荣体面授给愚昧人,无异将宝石投在石堆里。 8As he that casteth a stone into the heap of Mercury: so is he that giveth honour to a fool.
9箴言在愚人口中,犹如荆棘在醉汉手中。 9As if a thorn should grow in the hand of a drunkard: so is a parable in the mouth of fools.
10雇用愚人或过路人的人,无异射伤众人的弓箭手。 10Judgment determineth causes: and he that putteth a fool to silence, appeaseth anger.
11愚人一再重复他的愚行,犹如狗再来吃牠呕吐之物。 11As a dog that returneth to his vomit, so is the fool that repeateth his folly.
12你是否见过自作聪明的人?寄望于愚人比寄望于他更好。 12Hast thou seen a man wise in his own conceit? there shall be more hope of a fool than of him.
13懒惰人常说:「路上有猛狮,街市有壮狮。」 13The slothful man saith: There is a lion in the way, and a lioness in the roads.
14懒人在床榻上辗转,犹如门扇在枢纽上旋转。 14As the door turneth upon its hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed.
15懒人伸手在盘中取食,送到口边也感到辛苦。 15The slothful hideth his hand under his armpit, and it grieveth him to turn it to his mouth.
16懒惰人自认为聪明人,远胜过七个善于应对的人。 16The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit, than seven men that speak sentences.
17干涉与己无关的争端,有如抓过路狗的尾巴。 17As he that taketh a dog by the ears, so is he that passeth by in anger, and meddleth with another man's quarrel.
18谁、 18As he is guilty that shooteth arrows, and lances unto death:
19骗了人而后说:「我只开玩笑!」犹如狂人投掷火把、利箭和死亡。 19So is the man that hurteth his friend deceitfully: and when he is taken, saith: I did it in jest.
20没有木柴,火即熄灭;没有谗言,争端即息。 20When the wood faileth, the fire shall go out: and when the talebearer is taken away, contentions shall cease.
21谁惹事生非,挑拨争端,是在火炭上加炭,火上加柴。 21As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire, so an angry man stirreth up strife.
22进谗者的话,如可口美味,能深深透入肺腑的深处。 22The words of a talebearer are as it were simple, but they reach to the innermost parts of the belly.
23口蜜腹剑的人,有如涂上银的陶器。 23Swelling lips joined with a corrupt heart, are like an earthen vessel adorned with silver dross.
24怀恨他人的,善措词掩饰;但在他心底,却藏有阴险。 24An enemy is known by his lips, when in his heart he entertaineth deceit.
25谁声调过柔,你不要相信;因在他心中,藏有七种恶。 25When he shall speak low, trust him not: because there are seven mischiefs in his heart.
26仇恨虽可以诡计来掩饰,但在集会中险恶必败露。 26He that covereth hatred deceitfully, his malice shall be laid open in the public assembly.
27挖掘陷阱的必自陷其中,滚转石头的必为石所压。 27He that diggeth a pit, shall fall into it: and he that rolleth a stone, it shall return to him.
28撒谎的唇舌,必痛恨真理;谄媚的嘴脸,必制造丧亡。 28A deceitful tongue loveth not truth: and a slippery mouth worketh ruin.
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