德训篇:Chapter 12
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德训篇 | Sirach |
1你若施惠,应知道你是向谁施恩;这样,你才能因你的恩惠,大得人心。 | 1If thou do good, know to whom thou dost it, and there shall be much thanks for thy good deeds. |
2对虔敬的人要施恩,这样,你必会获得大酬报;若你得不到他的酬报,必会蒙受至高者的酬报。 | 2Do good to the just, and thou shalt find great recompense: and if not of him, assuredly of the Lord. |
3习惯于行恶,及不肯施舍的人,对自己并无好处,因为至高者憎恨罪人,而怜悯悔改的人。 | 3For there is no good for him that is always occupied in evil, and that giveth no alms: for the Highest hateth sinners, and hath mercy on the penitent. |
4你要施恩给虔敬的人,不要帮助罪人;存留不虔敬者和罪人到报复日子的天主,必要报复他们。 | 4Give to the merciful and uphold not the sinner: God will repay vengeance to the ungodly and to sinners, and keep them against the day of vengeance. |
5你要施恩与善人,不必收留不虔敬的人。 | 5Give to the good, and receive not a sinner. |
6你要施恩与谦虚的人,不要施舍不虔敬的人,要拒绝给他食物,怕他因此制胜你; | 6Do good to the humble, and give not to the ungodly: hold back thy bread, and give it not to him, lest thereby he overmaster thee. |
7因为,在你对他所施的一切恩惠中,你要得到双重的祸患;原来至高者憎恨罪人,要向不虔敬的人复仇。 | 7For thou shalt receive twice as much evil for all the good thou shalt have done to him: for the Highest also hateth sinners, and will repay vengeance to the ungodly. |
8幸福时,不能辨别朋友;不幸时,仇人不能隐藏。 | 8A friend shall not be known in prosperity, and an enemy shall not be hidden in adversity. |
9人一幸福,他的仇人就闷闷不乐;一遇灾难,朋友也要离去。 | 9In the prosperity of a man, his enemies are grieved: and a friend is known in his adversity. |
10总不要信赖你的仇敌,因为他的恶毒有如生锈的铜铁。 | 10Never trust thy enemy: for as a brass pot his wickedness rusteth: |
11即使他显示谦和,曲躬而行,你仍要留神,提防他;你对他要像一个擦亮镜子的人;你将会看见锈的下面有什么东西。 | 11Though he humble himself and go crouching, yet take good heed and beware of him. |
12不要让他立在你的身旁,免得他推倒你,而占据你的位置;不要任他坐在你的右边,免得他图占你的座位,你终究会明白我的话,对我的话,你会感到心疚。 | 12Set him not by thee, neither let him sit on thy right hand, lest he turn into thy place, and seek to take thy seat: and at the last thou acknowledge my words, and be pricked with my sayings. |
13谁同情被蛇咬伤的术士?谁同情亲近野兽的人?与恶人同行,而陷入他邪恶的人,亦无人怜惜。 | 13Who will pity an enchanter struck by a serpent, or any that come near wild beasts? so is it with him that keepeth company with a wicked man, and is involved in his sins. |
14他一时与你相处,但你一落魄,他决不扶持你。 | 14For an hour he will abide with thee: but if thou begin to decline, he will not endure it. |
15仇敌的口舌出言甜蜜,但心里却打算将你推入陷阱; | 15An enemy speaketh sweetly with his lips, but in his heart he lieth in wait, to throw thee into a pit. |
16他眼中流泪,但时机一到,就是流你的血,还嫌不够。 | 16An enemy weepeth with his eyes: but if he find an opportunity he will not be satisfied with blood: |
17若你遇着灾难,首先到你面前的,就是他; | 17And if evils come upon thee, thou shalt find him there first. |
18他眼中流泪,仿佛是来扶助你,其实,他是来绊你的脚; | 18An enemy hath tears in his eyes, and while he pretendeth to help thee, will undermine thy feet. |
19那时,他就要摇头鼓掌,出言不逊,现出他原来的面目。 | 19He will shake his head, and clap his hands, and whisper much, and change his countenance. |
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