德训篇:Chapter 42


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德训篇 Sirach
1应为重述听来的闲话而羞愧。应为泄漏别人秘密的话而羞愧。你若真有羞恶之心,就必能受到众人的爱戴。对于下列的事,你不应该羞愧:不该因顾情面而犯罪过; 1Repeat not the word which thou hast heard, and disclose not the thing that is secret; so shalt thou be truly without confusion, and shall find favour before all men: be not ashamed of any of these things, and accept no person to sin thereby:
2对于至高者的法律和盟约;对于不虔敬者所下的判断; 2Of the law of the most High, and of his covenant, and of judgment to justify the ungodly:
3同伴侣和旅客算账;分产业与亲友; 3Of the affair of companions and travellers, and of the gift of the inheritance of friends:
4论天秤和斤量的准碓;厘定利润的多寡; 4Of exactness of balance and weights, of getting much or little:
5讲求贸易的获利;严厉管教儿女;鞭打恶仆腰部流血; 5Of the corruption of buying, and of merchants, and of much correction of children, and to make the side of a wicked slave to bleed.
6对邪恶的妇女妥加幽禁; 6Sure keeping is good over a wicked wife.
7在人手众多的地方,门上安锁;你交给别人什么物件,事前数一数,量一量;出入的款项,详细记账; 7Where there are many hands, shut up, and deliver all things in number, and weight: and put all in writing that thou givest out or receivest in.
8惩戒无知和迟钝的人,或与少年人吵嘴的老年人:在这些事上,都不该害羞,因为如此,你才真是知礼的人,必能赢得众人的敬重。 8Be not ashamed to inform the unwise and foolish, and the aged, that are judged I by young men: and thou shalt be well instructed in all things, and well approved in the sight of all men living.
9女儿虽不知,却使父亲不寐,因为挂虑她,而不能安眠:怕她误了青春的年华,又怕她结婚之后,为丈夫所憎恶; 9The father waketh for the daughter when no man knoweth, and the care for her taketh away his sleep, when she is young, lest she pass away the flower of her age, and when she is married, lest she should be hateful:
10怕她失去童贞,而在父亲家中怀孕;出嫁之后,又怕她不忠于丈夫,或同居之后,而不能怀孕。 10In her virginity, lest she should be corrupted, and be found with child in her father's house: and having a husband, lest she should misbehave herself, or at the least become barren.
11任性的女儿,你应严加监视,免得你为了她,而成为敌人的笑柄,遭受本城人的非议,招致人民的讥笑,当众蒙羞。 11Keep a sure watch over a shameless daughter: lest at any time she make thee become a laughingstock to thy enemies, and a byword in the city, and a reproach among the people, and she make thee ashamed before all the multitude.
12你不要让她对任何人显示自己的美丽;不要让她与妇女闲谈; 12Behold not everybody's beauty: and tarry not among women.
13因为,蠹虫来自衣服,妇女的邪恶也是来自妇女。 13For from garments cometh a moth, and from a woman the iniquity of a man.
14男人的邪恶,胜于施惠的妇女,因为不名誉的女人,能给人带来耻辱。 14For better is the iniquity of a man, than a woman doing a good turn, and a woman bringing shame and reproach.
15现在,我要提念上主的化工,要称述我见过的事迹:上主的化工因自己的话而完成,他的教训是他的恩宠的作为。 15I will now remember the works of the Lord, and I will declare the things I have seen. By the words of the Lord are his works.
16光辉的太阳照耀万物,上主的化工,也充满了他的光荣。 16The sun giving light hath looked upon all things, and full of the glory of the Lord is his work.
17上主并未允许圣者讲论他的一切奇事,全能的上主建立了这些奇事,为叫天地万物愈发显扬自己的光荣。 17Hath not the Lord made the saints to declare all his wonderful works, which the Lord Almighty hath firmly settled to be established for his glory?
18他穷究深渊和人心,看透众人的诡计。 18He hath searched out the deep, and the heart of men: and considered their crafty devices.
19因为,至高者通达各种学问,明察时代的征兆,陈述过去和未来的世事,揭露隐秘的事迹; 19For the Lord knoweth all knowledge, and hath beheld the signs of the world, he declareth the things that are past, and the things that are to come, and revealeth the traces of hidden things.
20任何思想不能逃过他,连一句话也不能隐瞒他。 20No thought escapeth him, and no word can hide itself from him.
21他井然布置了自己智慧的伟业,他从永远直到永远常常存在; 21He hath beautified the glorious works of his wisdom: and he Is from eternity to eternity, and to him nothing may be added,
22对他,什么也不能增加,什么也不能减少;他不需要任何人的计谋。 22Nor can he be diminished, and he hath no need of any counsellor.
23他的一切化工,是多么美妙!所能见到的,只是一点火花。 23O how desirable are all his works, and what we can know is but as a spark!
24这一切都要生活,且永远存在,任何环境下,都服从他。 24All these things live, and remain for ever, and for every use all things obey him.
25一切都是成双而相对的,他所造的圆满无缺。 25All things are double, one against another, and he hath made nothing defective.
26物各有所长,互成其美;天主的光荣,谁能看够? 26He hath established the good things of every one. And who shall be filled with beholding his glory?
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