德训篇:Chapter 46
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德训篇 | Sirach |
1农的儿子若苏厄,是一位作战的英雄,他继承梅瑟执行先知的任务;闻其名,可知其为人, | 1Valiant in war was Jesus the son of Nave, who was successor of Moses among the prophets, who was great according to his name, |
2即选民伟大的拯救者;他报复了敌抗他的敌人,领以色列人获得产业。 | 2Very great for the saving the elect of God, to overthrow the enemies that rose up against them, that he might get the inheritance for Israel. |
3当他举手向城挥动刀剑时,何其光荣! | 3How great glory did he gain when he lifted up his hands, and stretched out swords against the cities? |
4因为他是为上主作战,谁能敌抗他? | 4Who before him hath so resisted? for the Lord himself brought the enemies. |
5太阳不是因他一挥手而即刻停住,一天变成两天吗? | 5Was not the sun stopped in his anger, and one day made as two? |
6当敌人四面围困基贝红时,他呼求了全能的至高者,伟大神圣的上主就俯听了他,大降冰雹,猛烈非常; | 6He called upon the most high Sovereign when the enemies assaulted him on every side, and the great and holy God heard him by hailstones of exceeding great force. |
7他冲破了敌对的民族,在山的下坡处歼灭了敌人, | 7He made a violent assault against the nation of his enemies, and in the descent he destroyed the adversaries. |
8使外邦人知道他的武力,知道他是替上主作战。他时常顺从全能者的旨意, | 8That the nations might know his power, that it is not easy to fight against God. And he followed the mighty one: |
9当梅瑟在世时,他就行了济世的事业:他与耶孚乃的儿子加肋布,反对全会众,阻止人民犯罪,平息不义的怨声。 | 9And in the days of Moses he did a work of mercy, he and Caleb the son of Jephone, in standing against the enemy, and withholding the people from sins, and appeasing the wicked murmuring. |
10六十万步兵中,只有他们二人活着,为引领百姓进入为产业的地方,进入流乳流蜜的地方。 | 10And they two being appointed, were delivered out of the danger from among the number of six hundred thousand men on foot, to bring them into their inheritance, into the land that floweth with milk and honey. |
11上主赐给加肋布力量,至老不衰,使他能登上高地,这高地,他的子孙至今仍据为产业, | 11And the Lord gave strength also to Caleb, and his strength continued even to his old age, so that he went up to the high places of the land, and his seed obtained it for an inheritance: |
12为使以色列子民知道:随从圣者上主,何其美善! | 12That all the children of Israel might see, that it is good to obey the holy God. |
13凡为民长的,若心术不坏,未曾离弃上主,个个都应依照名次受到赞扬。 | 13Then all the judges, every one by name, whose heart was not corrupted: who turned not away from the Lord, |
14愿他们的记念,常受祝福;愿他们的骨骸,从自己的墓穴中,再欣欣向荣; | 14That their memory might be blessed, and their bones spring up out of their place, |
15愿他们的名声,再留于子孙之中。圣人们的光荣,存留在子孙身上。 | 15And their name continue for ever, the glory of the holy men remaining unto their children. |
16撒慕尔是上主他的天主所爱的人,是上主的先知;他建立了王国,以油祝圣了人民的君王; | 16Samuel the prophet of the Lord, the beloved of the Lord his God, established a new government, and anointed princes over his people. |
17他根据上主的法律,审判了议会,上主遂垂顾了雅各伯。因他的忠信,公认他确是一位先知; | 17By the law of the Lord he judged the congregation, and the God of Jacob beheld, and by his fidelity he was proved a prophet. |
18由他的言语,得知他是一位信实的先见者,因为他曾见过光明的天主。 | 18And he was known to be faithful in his words, because he saw the God of light: |
19当敌人四面胁迫他时,他恳求了全能的上主,奉献了一只尚未断乳的羔羊, | 19And called upon the name of the Lord Almighty, in fighting against the enemies who beset him on every side, when he offered a lamb without blemish. |
20上主就从天上,发出迅雷,一声巨向,使人听见他的声音, | 20And the Lord thundered from heaven, and with a great noise made his voice to be heard. |
21敌人的首领,遂被征服,培肋舍特人的众将领,遂被歼灭。 | 21And he crushed the princes of the Tyrians, and all the lords of the Philistines: |
22他在长眠以前,在上主和他的受傅者面前,作证说:「我从未拿过任何人的东西,连一双鞋也没有拿过;」果然没有人能控诉他。 | 22And before the time of the end of his life in the world, he protested before the Lord, and his anointed: money, or any thing else, even to a shoe, he had not taken of any man, and no man did accuse him. |
23他逝世以后,还说了预言,警告君王的死期;他从地下高声预言,为消除民众的罪恶。 | 23And after this he slept, and he made known to the king, and shewed him the end of his life, and he lifted up his voice from the earth in prophecy to blot out the wickedness of the nation. |
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