德训篇:Chapter 49


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德训篇 Sirach
1约史雅的纪念,就如精制香料的人,用各种香味配成的香料, 1The memory of Josias is like the composition of a sweet smell made by the art of a perfumer:
2在众人口里,甜如蜂蜜,又如酒会中的音乐。 2His remembrance shall be sweet as honey in every mouth, and as music at a banquet of wine.
3他悲痛人民的背信,因此铲除了邪恶的可憎之物; 3He was directed by God unto the repentance of the nation, and he took away the abominations of wickedness.
4他使自己的心,归向上主;他在罪恶横流的时代,实行了热心敬主的事。 4And he directed his heart towards the Lord, and in the days of sinners he strengthened godliness.
5除达味、希则克雅和约史雅外,别的都犯了错误; 5Except David, and Ezechias, and Josias, all committed sin.
6犹大的君王们,由于离弃了至高者的法律,蔑视了对天主应有的敬畏,因而都已丧亡: 6For the kings of Juda forsook the law of the most High, and despised the fear of God.
7因为,他们将自己的权力,让给外人,把自己的光荣,交于外方民族。 7So they gave their kingdom to others, and their glory to a strange nation.
8这民族烧毁了蒙选的圣城,使城中的道路不见人迹,全照耶肋米亚预言过的。 8They burnt the chosen city of holiness, and made the streets thereof desolate according to the prediction of Jeremias.
9因为犹太人虐待了他,虽然他从母胎就被选为先知,来担负铲除、推翻、毁灭、建设、栽培和复兴等工作。 9For they treated him evil, who was consecrated a prophet from his mother's womb, to overthrow, and pluck up, and destroy, and to build again, and renew.
10厄则克耳看见上主在革鲁宾的车上,显示给他的辉煌异像; 10It was Ezechiel that saw the glorious vision, which was shewn him upon the chariot of cherubims.
11他也提到遵行各样正道的约伯。 11For he made mention of the enemies under the figure of rain, and of doing good to them that shewed right ways.
12愿十二先知的骨骸,从自己的茔地再放异彩,因为他们曾安慰了雅各伯,以自已坚固的信仰拯救了他。 12And may the bones of the twelve prophets spring up out of their place: for they strengthened Jacob, and redeemed themselves by strong faith.
13我们要怎样赞颂则鲁巴贝耳?他像右手所带的印章指环, 13How shall we magnify Zorobabel? for he was as a signet on the right hand;
14约匝达克的儿子耶叔亚,也是如此:他们二人在任期内,建造了殿宇,并为上主高建了一座永远辉煌的圣殿。 14In like manner Jesus the son of Josedec? who in their days built the house, and set up a holy temple to the Lord, prepared for everlasting glory.
15乃赫米雅值得纪念的事更多:他给我们重修了倒塌的城墙,安门加闩,并修葺了我们的房屋。 15And let Nehemias be a long time remembered, who raised up for us our walls that were cast down, and set up the gates and the bars, who rebuilt our houses.
16世上受造的人中,没有一个像哈诺客这样的人,因为他从世上被提升天。 16No man was born upon earth like Henoch: for he also was taken up from the earth.
17出生的人中,也没有一个像若瑟的,他是兄弟们的领袖,民族的栋梁,弟兄的监护人; 17Nor as Joseph, who was a man born prince of his brethren, the support of his family, the ruler of his brethren, the stay of the people:
18他的遗骸特别受人敬重,死后还说了预言。 18And his bones were visited, and after death they prophesied.
19在人类中,闪、舍特、厄诺士、都受人尊敬;但在受造上,超过众生的,却是亚当。 19Seth and Sem obtained glory among men: and above every soul Adam in the beginning.
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