雅歌:Chapter 2


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雅歌 Song of Songs
1我是原野的水仙,谷中的百合。 1I am the flower of the field, and the lily of the valleys.
2我的爱卿在少女中,有如荆棘中的一朵百合花。 2As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.
3我的爱人在少年中,有如森林中的一棵苹果树;我爱坐在他的荫下,他的果实令我满口香甜。 3As the apple tree among the trees of the woods, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow, whom I desired: and his fruit was sweet to my palate.
4他引我进入酒室,他插在我身上的旗帜是爱情。 4He brought me into the cellar of wine, he set in order charity in me.
5请你们用葡萄干来补养我,用苹果来苏醒我,因为我因爱成疾: 5Stay me up with flowers, compass me about with apples: because I languish with love.
6他的左手在我头下,他的右手紧抱着我。 6His left hand is under my head, and his right hand shall embrace me.
7耶路撒冷女郎!我指着田野间的羚羊或牝鹿,恳求你们,不要惊醒,不要唤醒我的爱,让她自便罢! 7I adjure you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and the harts of the, fields, that you stir not up, nor make the beloved to awake, till she please.
8听,这是我爱人的声音;看,他来了:跳过山冈,跃过丘陵。 8The voice of my beloved, behold he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping over the hills.
9我的爱人仿佛羚羊,宛如幼鹿;你看,他已站在我们的墙后,由窗外向里凝视,由窗櫺住内窥望。 9My beloved is like a roe, or a young hart. Behold he standeth behind our wall, looking through the windows, looking through the lattices.
10我的爱人招呼我说:「起来,我的爱卿!快来,我的佳丽! 10Behold my beloved speaketh to me: Arise, make haste, my love, my dove, my beautiful one, and come.
11看,严冬已过,时雨止息,且已过去; 11For winter is now past, the rain is over and gone.
12田间的花卉已露,歌唱的时期已近。在我们的地方已听到斑鸠声; 12The flowers have appeared in our land, the time of pruning is come: the voice of the turtle is heard in our land:
13无花果树已发出初果,葡萄树已开花放香;起来,我的爱卿!快来,我的佳丽! 13The fig tree hath put forth her green figs: the vines in flower yield their sweet smell. Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come:
14我那在岩石缝中,在悬崖隐处的鸽子!请让我看到你的面貌,听见你的声音,因为你的声音柔和可爱,你的面貌美丽动人。」 14My dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hollow places of the wall, shew me thy face, let thy voice sound in my ears: for thy voice is sweet, and thy face comely.
15请你们为我们捕捉狐狸,捕捉毁坏葡萄园的小狐狸,我们的葡萄园正在开花啊! 15Catch us the little foxes that destroy the vines: for our vineyard hath flourished.
16我的爱人属于我,我属于我的爱人;他在百合花间,牧放他的羊群。 16My beloved to me, and I to him who feedeth among the lilies,
17趁晚风还未生凉,日影还未消失,我的爱人,愿你仿效盟约山上的羚羊或幼鹿,向我归来! 17Till the day break, and the shadows retire. Return: be like, my beloved, to a roe, or to a young hart upon the mountains of Bether.


1:1-4:新娘──选民在此表示自己对上主所怀的热爱;她的爱,由于遭受过巴比伦充军的试探,变得更热烈,甚至她引领一些「少女」(外邦民族)也认识天主(多13:3-4; 依60; 66:18-21)。──1:5-7:以色列虽遭受了充军的大灾难(哀4:6-8),可是在她的新郎(天主)面前,她还是蒙爱的(依54:4,8; 欧2:14-25)。──「我母亲的儿子」指加色丁巴比伦人,他们是以色列的兄弟,因为亚巴郎是出自加色丁的乌尔(创11:28-31; 15:7)。「派我看守葡萄园」指充军的奴役:「我自己的葡萄园」指巴力斯坦圣地(依5:1-7; 耶12:10-12)。上主屡次被称为以色列的牧人(则34:4-19)。新娘离开了她先前所淫恋的其他神只以后,只企望再与上主相聚。──1:8:耶京女郎──她们有如希腊剧典的歌女,表达诗人的心意──告诉新娘:充军的时期快结束,请她跟着「羊群」,自己的儿子,回到熙雍山去(牧人的帐棚)。──1:9-11:新娘从前怎样在埃及作奴婢(拉法郎的御车),现在也同样在巴比伦为奴。可是奴役时期快完结了,她将得到金银制的饰物(路15:22)。──1:12-17:在此描写以色列已回归了「许地」,万分感激天主。「床榻」指巴力斯坦。按先知的预言,充军期后,许地将变成乐园(欧2:23-23; 14:6-8; 依29:17; 30:23-24; 耶31:12,14)。──2:1-6:自今以后,新娘全心依恋她的爱人;爱人在她身上悬上爱情的旗帜,用以召集因充军而四散各处的选民,叫他们一同出发,往许地(酒室)去(依5:26; 11:10,12; 49:22; 62:10)。2:7:以民在充军之地应自己「睡醒」,即应自觉悔悟(依52:1-2)。

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