多俾亚传:Chapter 14
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多俾亚传 | Tobit |
1托彼特的颂词就此结束。 | 1And the words of Tobias were ended. And after Tobias was restored to his sight, he lived two and forty years, and saw the children of his grandchildren. |
2他于一百一十二岁上平安去世,哀荣地葬在尼尼微。他双目失明时六十二岁;复明以后,生活也很幸福,且继续施舍救济,时常赞美天主,颂扬天主的伟大。 | 2And after he had lived a hundred and two years, he was buried honourably in Ninive. |
3当他临终的时候,叫了他儿子多俾亚来,吩咐他说:「孩子!你要领你的孩子, | 3For he was six and fifty years old when he lost the sight of his eyes, and sixty when he recovered it again. |
4快往玛待去,因为我确信天主藉纳鸿先知论尼尼微所说的话,必要应验,临于亚述国和尼尼微城。凡天主遣发到以色列的先知所说的一切,也要来临,其中一字也不能删去,必要一一按时应验;只有在玛待比在亚述和巴比伦更为安全,因为我知道,并确信天主所说的一切,必要成就应验;预言中一句也不会落空。但是,我那些住在以色列地的同胞也要被驱逐,并从福地里被掳去;以色列全地必要荒芜,撒玛黎雅和耶路撒冷也要变成荒地,天主的殿宇也要被烧毁,变成灰烬,直到某一时期。 | 4And the rest of his life was in joy, and with great increase of the fear of God he departed in peace. |
5可是,天主还要怜悯他们,天主要再领他们回到以色列地,重建殿宇,但不如从前的那一座,直到指定的时期圆满为止。此后,众人将要从流徙之地回来,重建耶路撒冷,恢复繁荣,其中也将重建天主的殿宇,照以色列的众先知所预言的。 | 5And at the hour of his death he called unto him his son Tobias and his children, seven young men, his grandsons, and said to them: |
6普天下所有的外邦人,将回心转意,离弃那些迷惑他们走入歧途的偶像,虔诚敬畏上主天主,以行义来赞颂永生的天主。 | 6The destruction of Ninive is at hand: for the word of the Lord must be fulfilled: and our brethren, that are scattered abroad from the land of Israel, shall return to it. |
7在那些时日内,凡得以逃生的以色列子民,必诚心诚意怀念天主,聚集起来,回到耶路撒冷,永远在亚巴郎的土地上安居乐业,因为这土地应归还于他们。凡诚心诚意敬爱天主的人,必要欢乐;作恶犯罪的人,必要从地上灭绝。 | 7And all the land thereof that is desert shall be filled with people, and the house of God which is burnt in it, shall again be rebuilt: and all that fear God shall return thither. |
8孩子!现今我吩咐你们该诚心事奉天主,作他喜欢的事。也该命令你们的子女,行善施舍,使他们时常记念天主,永远全心全力赞美他的圣名。 | 8And the Gentiles shall leave their idols, and shall come into Jerusalem, and shall dwell in it. |
9孩子!现今你该离开尼尼微,不要留在这里。自你把你母亲埋葬在我身傍的那天起,就要离开这里,因为我看见城中充满了不义,人任意欺诈,而不以为耻。 | 9And all the kings of the earth shall rejoice in it, adoring the King of Israel. |
10孩子!你看看纳达布怎样对待了教养他的阿希加:阿希加不是被他活活地逼入地下吗?但是天主,当面补偿了他所受的凌辱,阿希加出来重见天日,纳达布却进入了永远的黑暗中,原来他想谋杀阿希加。阿希加因为施舍哀矜,所以能脱离纳达布为他预备的死亡圈套;而纳达布自己却陷入了死亡的罗网,丧失了性命。 | 10Hearken therefore, my children, to your father: serve the Lord in truth, and seek to do the things that please him: |
11孩子!所以你们看:施舍的结果是什么?不义的结果是什么?是死亡。现在,我的灵魂要离开了。」于是众人把他放在床上;他便死了。人们隆重地埋葬了他。 | 11And command your children that they do justice and almsdeeds, and that they be mindful of God, and bless him at all times in truth, and with all their power. |
12多俾亚的母亲亚纳死后,他便把她同他的父亲葬在一起;随后,便同自己的妻子儿女离开了那里,到玛待去,在厄克巴塔纳与他的岳父辣古耳住在一起。 | 12And now, children, hear me, and do not stay here: but as soon as you shall bury your mother by me in one sepulchre, without delay direct your steps to depart hence: |
13他孝敬他们直至他们寿终正寝,把他们埋葬在玛待厄克巴塔纳,也承继了辣古耳和他父亲托彼特的家产。 | 13For I see that its iniquity will bring it to destruction. |
14生时很受尊荣,死在玛待厄克巴塔纳,享年一百一十七岁。 | 14And it came to pass that after the death of his mother, Tobias departed out of Ninive with his wife, and children, and children's children, and returned to his father and mother in law. |
15他死前,听到了尼尼微毁灭的消息,也亲眼见了玛待王基雅撒勒掳到玛待的俘虏,而赞美天主对尼尼微和亚述子民所作的一切。如此,在他未死之前,能为尼尼微的毁灭而喜乐,赞美上主天主于无穷之世。阿们。 | 15And he found them in health in a good old age: and he took care of them, and he closed their eyes: and all the inheritance of Raguel's house came to him: and he saw his children's children to the fifth generation. |
16 | 16And after he had lived ninety-nine years in the fear of the Lord, with joy they buried him. |
17 | 17And all his kindred, and all his generation continued in good life, and in holy conversation, so that they were acceptable both to God, and to men, and to all that dwelt in the land. |
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