智慧篇:Chapter 13


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智慧篇 Wisdom
1凡不认识天主的人,都是真正的愚人,因为,他们未能从看得见的美物,去发现那自有者;注意了工程,却不认识工程师; 1But all men are vain, in whom there is not the knowledge of God: and who by these good things that are seen, could not understand him that is, neither by attending to the works have acknowledged who was the workman:
2反而认火、风、流动的空气、运转的星辰、洪流的巨涛、天上的光体,为统治世界的神。 2But have imagined either the fire, or the wind, or the swift air, or the circle of the stars, or the great water, or the sun and moon, to be the gods that rule the world.
3如果有人因这些东西的美丽而着迷,奉之为神;那么,他们就应知道:这些美物的主宰更是美丽,因为,全是美丽的惟一根源所创造的。 3With whose beauty, if they, being delighted, took them to be gods: let them know how much the Lord of them is more beautiful than they: for the first author of beauty made all those things.
4如果有人惊奇这些东西的力量和效能,就应明白:创造这些东西的更有能力; 4Or if they admired their power and their effects, let them understand by them, that he that made them, is mightier than they:
5因为,从受造物的伟大和美丽,人可以推想到这些东西的创造者。 5For by the greatness of the beauty, and of the creature, the creator of them may be seen, so as to be known thereby.
6不过,这种人的罪尚较轻微,因为,他们寻找天主,也有意找到,却一时误入了迷途; 6But yet as to these they are less to be blamed. For they perhaps err, seeking God, and desirous to find him.
7这或许是由于他们所见的世物实在美丽,因此在专务研究他的工程时,只追求外表; 7For being conversant among his works, they search: and they are persuaded that the things are good which are seen.
8但他们仍然不能推辞无过; 8But then again they are not to be pardoned.
9因为他们既然能知道的如此渊博,甚至能探究宇宙,为什么不能及早发现这些东西的主宰? 9For if they were able to know so much as to make a judgment of the world: how did they not more easily find out the Lord thereof?
10有些人真是可怜!他们竟将希望寄于死东西上,竟称人的手工、金银和艺术的创作、动物的肖像、或古人雕刻的无用石的为神。 10But unhappy are they, and their hope is among the dead, who have called gods the works of the hands of men, gold and silver, the inventions of art, and the resemblances of beasts, or an unprofitable stone the work of an ancient hand.
11设想:有个木匠,锯来一棵适用的树木,精巧地剥净树皮,熟练地施展技巧,制成一件日常生活的用具; 11Or if an artist, a carpenter, hath cut down a tree proper for his use in the wood, and skillfully taken off all the bark thereof, and with his art, diligently formeth a vessel profitable for the common uses of life,
12以后用工作剩余的碎木,煮饭充饥; 12And useth the chips of his work to dress his meat:
13后来由那些剩下一无所用的废木中,取出一块弯曲多疤的木头,在闲暇无事时,辛勤地加以雕刻,本着自己熟悉的手艺,按图样将它刻成一个人像, 13And taking what was left thereof, which is good for nothing, being a crooked piece of wood, and full of knots, carveth it diligently when he hath nothing else to do, and by the skill of his art fashioneth it and maketh it like the image of a man:
14或做成一个卑贱的兽像,涂上丹砂,将外皮漆成红色,遮住一切疤痕; 14Or the resemblance of some beast, laying it over with vermilion, and painting it red, and covering every spot that is in it:
15随后,为它做一个适宜的居所,把它嵌在墙上,用钉子钉住, 15And maketh a convenient dwelling place for it, and setting it in a wall, and fastening it with iron,
16预先加以照顾,免得它掉下来,因为他知道:这件东西是不能自助的,不过只是偶像,需要人来扶助。 16Providing for it, lest it should fall, knowing that it is unable to help itself: for it is an image, and hath need of help.
17但是,他反不感羞耻地向这无灵之物祷告,祈赐财富、妻室和子嗣; 17And then maketh prayer to it, inquiring concerning his substance, and his children, or his marriage. And he is not ashamed to speak to that which hath no life:
18向这虚弱的东西,要求健康;向这死物,要求生命;向这无能的东西,要求援助; 18And for health he maketh supplication to the weak, and for life prayeth to that which is dead, and for help calleth upon that which is unprofitable:
19向这有脚不能行的东西,要求旅行;向这有手而毫无动作的东西,要求发财、工作、事业成功的力量。 19And for a good journey he petitioneth him that cannot walk: and for getting, and for working, and for the event of all things he asketh him that is unable to do any thing.
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